Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


Catalogue des publications

pays/zone estimés: EGY XXX

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Les articles des volumes suivants sont vendus sous forme de PDF à télécharger: BiEtud: numéros 110, 120, 138, 140, 165 (gratuit), EtudUrb: 9.

BIFAO104_art_06.pdf (0.16 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 104
2004 IFAO
15 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Le Dialogue d’un homme avec son ba à la lumière de la formule 38 des Textes des Sarcophages.

This article reconsiders previous interpretation of the Dialog of a man with his Ba according to which the Dispute between the man and his Ba takes place, as a literary fiction, in the presence of the divine tribunal. This thesis is supported by the comparison with spell 38 of the Coffin Texts. In this spell in which the confrontation, also in front of the divine tribunal, is between the dead and his heir, the son appears as the dead father’s Ba on earth.

A comparison between the relationship of the dead with his Ba and with his heir in the -funerary texts suggests that the Dialog is not concerned with man’s relationship with death but rather with the relationship between the living and the dead, a major issue in Ancient Egypt. Therefore, the Dialog obviously deals with the question of solidarity between generations recommended by the official discourse and the sapiential literature.

BIFAO104_art_05.pdf (5.71 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 104
2004 IFAO
56 p.
gratuit - free of charge
La chapelle d’Osiris Ounnefer Neb-Djefaou à Karnak. Rapport préliminaire des fouilles et travaux 2000-2004.

Since 2000, excavations have been undertaken in the XXVIth dynasty Chapel of Osiris -Ounnefer Neb-djefaou located in the northern part of the temenos of Amun at Karnak. This small temple, whose remains were exposed during the XIXth century, has never been the subject of systematic study. In addition to the publishing of the inscriptions, the project’s focus is on the definition of the structure of the building and its relation to the neighbouring area, especially the path leading to the temple of Ptah and the adjacent mound that takes up a large part of the north-western corner of the temenos of Amun. The excavations have revealed several phases of occupation at the entrance of the chapel, from the XXVIth dynasty to the Coptic period, notably the reuse of several lintel blocks from the Saite chapel in a probably late Roman "hydraulic" settlement. Concerning the temple itself, whose mudbrick and stone walls were badly weathered over the last centuries, a preliminary reconstruction of its plan is suggested.

West of this area, the remains of a large mudbrick building, probably connected to the chapel, have been partly exposed. The pottery recovered in the upper levels can be dated to the Saite period or the end of the Late Period. The general interpretation of this structure is discussed.

BIFAO104_art_04.pdf (3.05 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 104
2004 IFAO
31 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Un temple en activité sous Domitien au Kôm al-Cheikh Ahmad (Bahariya) d’après une dédicace grecque récemment découverte.

A Greek inscription recently discovered in Kôm al-Cheikh Aḥmad (Baḥariya Oasis), -mentioning the praefectus Marcus Iunius Rufus, was probably, this discussion argues, a dedication to an -unknown deity of a building belonging to a temple, which dates to the reign of Emperor Domitianus. The site may have been excavated in the XXth century by Ahmed Fakhry. The author also studies the corpus of inscriptions dedicated to Roman emperors and dated according to the name of the praefectus Aegypti.

BIFAO104_art_03.pdf (24.01 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 104
2004 IFAO
64 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Varia Coptica Thebaica.

The article discusses inscriptions from forty-five previously unpublished limestone and -terracotta ostraca housed at the French Institute in Cairo with their transcriptions and translations.

The author argues for a Theban origin dating to the VIIth and VIIIth centuries B.C. based on internal criteria such as dialect and subject matter. Acknowledging the monastic context for the inscriptions, the author classifies the themes as epistolary – in particular requests and accounts – and writing exercises derived from prayers, biblical fragments and as yet, undetermined texts.

BIFAO104_art_02.pdf (0.5 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 104
2004 IFAO
18 p.
gratuit - free of charge
La pintade, le soleil et l’éternité. À propos du signe [...] (G 21).

The sign G21, identified by L. Keimer as a reference to the Guineafowl, Numida meleagris L., has the phonetic reading nḥ, which is also the bird’s name, Nḥ. It is commonly used in the writing of the word for cyclical eternity, Nḥḥ.

Nḥ is mentioned in funerary texts, connected to sunrise.

The palaeography of the sign G21, the study of the bird’s behaviour, and a careful analysis of funerary texts throw a light on the link established by the Ancient Egyptians between the -Guineafowl, the sun and cyclical eternity.

BIFAO104_art_01.pdf (0.21 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 104
2004 IFAO
20 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Imhotep et Djoser dans la région de la cataracte. De Memphis à Éléphantine.

This paper reconsiders the delicate problem of Djoser and Imhotep, two well known figures during the Ptolemaic period in the region of the first cataract. Why is Imhotep, a popular Memphite personnage since the Old Kingdom, worshipped in the Elephantine area, far from his original cult centre? Is it possible to improve our knowledge of the process by which the Egyptians instituted a cult of Imhotep there? Is this cult based on local historical events which would have made the introduction of this Memphite demigod into the Elephantine pantheon easier?

Partly based on the analysis of the delicate problem of the Famine stela, the present paper gathers together the pieces of a puzzle, from Memphis-Saqqara and Hermopolis to Elephantine. It demonstrates that the cult of Imhotep in Elephantine probably emanated from both Memphite and Hermopolite religious traditions. This paper shows how the establishment of his cult at -Elephantine was based on a comparison of Imhotep with Ptah and Khnum and their influence on the development of embryo. Moreover, it shows that the specific characteristics of Imhotep were particularly appreciated during the Late Period because he was considered (as a son of Ptah and Khnum) able to use his influence with both deities, to accelerate the flood process and protect pregnant women.

BIFAO103_art_23.pdf (15.4 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
176 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Travaux de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale en 2002-2003

BIFAO103_art_22.pdf (4.09 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
28 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Notes sur la zone minière du Sud-Sinaï au Nouvel Empire.

This article describes the mining expeditions led to South-Sinai during the New Kingdom. Using the epigraphic material, it shall point out to the various sites that were selected and describe the expeditionary forces: their number, organisation, their leaders and the roads they followed.

BIFAO103_art_21.pdf (0.2 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
19 p.
gratuit - free of charge
L’étoffe [sia.t] et la régénération du défunt.

The use of fabric sjȝ.t within the framework of the Ritual of the Embalming largely exceeds its material function. It forms part of a vast network of bonds – that this article tries to restore – referring to other elements of creation: Ġax, rising, sun, moon, etc.

BIFAO103_art_20.pdf (0.35 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
18 p.
gratuit - free of charge
La mise en place des pouvoirs divin et royal dans l’univers tentyrique ptolémaïque.

In spite of important damages on the south wall of the inner Hypostyle or room of appearence in Dendara, it was possible to determine that the four pictures, on the left side of the door form a coherent set. Through the power of the primeval god and god of creation Ptah-Tatenen, the universe of Tentyra gradually gets organised. The second and third pictures are in bad condition but we can guess that Montu is present and Thot, the god of learning, preserves the cosmic order he established. The top of the wall depicts the rising of the sun. The sungod Re-Horakhty appears and bestows integral kingship on Hathor. In her turn, the celestial goddess guarantees the investiture of the king who is charged with maintaining the cosmic order by specific rites.