Services publics + (SP+)
Qu’est-ce que Services Publics + ?
Services publics + (ou SP+) est un programme national français ministériel commun à l'ensemble des services publics, dont les bibliothèques.
Il a pour objectif l’amélioration continue des services aux publics.
Il se déploie en 8 engagements, déclinés selon 3 axes :
Les actions de la bibliothèque de l’Ifao
La bibliothèque s’est engagée dans le programme Services Publics + en novembre 2023.
Elle a tout d’abord réalisé un autodiagnostic en novembre 2023, puis elle a conduit une enquête de publics en février-mars 2024 pour identifier les actions prioritaires afin d’améliorer les services aux publics.
What is Services Publics +?
Services publics + (or SP+) is a French national ministerial programme common to all public services, including libraries.
Its aim is the continuous improvement of services to the public.
It is based on 8 commitments, divided into 3 areas:
Public services closer to home
1. In a spirit of mutual respect, you will receive a warm welcome and have the right to make mistakes.
2. You can easily get in touch with your public services.
3. You will receive support tailored to your personal situation.
More efficient public services
4. Your request is processed within the announced timeframe.
5. You receive clear, simple and accessible information.
6. You have access to our service quality results.
Simpler public services
7. Your opinion is taken into account to improve the service provided.
8. We work with you to limit our impact on the environment.
What the IFAO library is doing
The library joined the Public Services + programme in November 2023.
It first carried out a self-diagnosis in November 2023, then conducted a public survey in February-March 2024 to identify priority actions in order to improve public services