Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 105
2005 IFAO
13 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Un linceul peint de la nécropole d’El-Deir. Oasis de Kharga.

During the 2003 season of excavations at El Deir (East area of the necropolis), several fragments of a painted shroud were discovered in a lot of funerary wrappings much disturbed by pillaging. The body is decorated with a diamond pattern and a column of hieroglyphic text inscribed on the centre of the shroud gives the name of the deceased with the usual funerary formulas. Comparative analysis of these fragments with shrouds preserved in select museums located in Cairo, London and Paris shows that it belongs to a well-known series, dating primarily from the first to second centuries a. d., found throughout the Theban area.