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d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Annales islamologiques 48.2
25 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Nuṣūṣ ǧadīda hawl al-Qalāyya al-baṭriyarkiyya bi-Ḥārat al-Rūm

The aim of this paper is to introduce and edit texts about the residence of the Coptic Orthodox patriarchs at Ḥārat al-Rūm in Cairo. These texts might contribute to reconstruct the troubled and, sometimes, contradictory narratives of the residence(s) of the Coptic patriarchs in Cairo. On the other hand, they shed light on the archeological details of an important building in Ottoman Cairo, which is the residence of the Coptic patriarch at Ḥārat al-Rūm; how this residence was prepared and equipped. These details might be useful for those who study the Ottoman architecture. Since it was the residence of the leader of a religious community, one of the questions that could be posed is: was there, what so called, a Coptic architecture in the Ottoman period? If yes, what were its elements and characteristics? If no, it could be an affirmation of certain social and historical studies assumptions, which suggested that a new cultural norm was drawn, a process in which religion did not play an important role.

Keywords: Cairo – Copts – Ottoman period – Ḥārat al-Rūm – Coptic architecture – Patriarchs’ cell

تهدف‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬الورقة‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬نشر‭ ‬وتقديم‭ ‬نصوص‭ ‬حول‭ ‬مقر‭ ‬البطاركة‭ ‬بحارة‭ ‬الروم‭ ‬على‭ ‬وجه‭ ‬التحديد‭. ‬وهذه‭ ‬الن’وص‭ ‬ت”هم‭ ‬في‭ ‬إعادة‭ ‬النظر‭ ‬في‭ ‬الروايات‭ ‬المضطربة‭ ‬والمتناقضة‭ ‬أحياناً،‭ ‬حول‭ ‬تاريخ‭ ‬مقر‭/‬مقرات‭ ‬البطاركة‭ ‬القبط‭ ‬بالقاهرة‭. ‬كما‭ ‬أنها‭ ‬تلقي‭ ‬الضوء‭ ‬على‭ ‬التفا’يل‭ ‬المعمارية‭ ‬لأحد‭ ‬البنايات‭ ‬المهمة‭ ‬في‭ ‬قاهرة‭ ‬الع’ر‭ ‬العثماني،‭ ‬وهو‭ ‬مقر‭ ‬بطريرك‭ ‬القبط‭ ‬الأرثوذكس‭ ‬بحارة‭ ‬الروم‭ ‬بالقاهرة،‭ ‬وكيفية‭ ‬تجهي“‭ ‬المبنى‭ ‬وإعداده‭ ‬لسكنى‭ ‬البطريرك‭. ‬وهذه‭ ‬التفا’يل‭ ‬قد‭ ‬تكون‭ ‬مفيدة‭ ‬للمهتمين‭ ‬بالعمارة‭ ‬في‭ ‬الع’ر‭ ‬العثماني،‭ ‬وعلى‭ ‬وجه‭ ‬الخ’وص‭ ‬التفا’يل‭ ‬المعمارية‭ ‬لسكنى‭ ‬رئيس‭ ‬طائفة‭ ‬دينية،‭ ‬ومن‭ ‬ثم‭ ‬يمكن‭ ‬للمخت’ين‭ ‬بهذا‭ ‬الشأن‭ ‬أن‭ ‬يستخلصوا‭ ‬ما‭ ‬‘اؤوا‭ ‬من‭ ‬الدلالات،‭ ‬أو‭ ‬يجيبوا‭ ‬عن‭ ‬أ”ئلة،‭ ‬ربما‭ ‬أحدها‭ ‬تحديد‭ ‬خ’ائ’‭ ‬معينة،‭ ‬لما‭ ‬يمكن‭ ‬ت”ميته‭ ‬عمارة‭ ‬قبطية‭ ‬في‭ ‬الع’ر‭ ‬العثماني‭. ‬كذلك،‭ ‬عدم‭ ‬وجود‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬الخ’ائ’‭ ‬يجيب‭ ‬عن‭ ‬أ”ئلة‭ ‬أهم‭ ‬طرحتها‭ ‬درا”ات‭ ‬تاريخية‭ ‬واجتماعية‭ ‬عن‭ ‬قاهرة‭ ‬القرن‭ ‬الثامن‭ ‬ع‘ر،‭ ‬افترضت‭ ‬وجود‭ ‬نمط‭ ‬ثقافي‭ ‬جديد‭ ‬لا‭ ‬يشكل‭ ‬الدين‭ ‬حدود‭ ‬’ارمة‭ ‬في‭ ‬ر”مه‭.

الكلمات‭ ‬المفتاحية‭: ‬القاهرة‭ ‬‭-‬‭ ‬القبط‭ ‬‭-‬‭ ‬الع’ر‭ ‬العثماني‭ ‬‭-‬‭ ‬حارة‭ ‬الروم‭ ‬‭-‬‭ ‬العمارة‭ ‬القبطية‭ ‬‭-‬‭ ‬القلاية‭ ‬البطريركية