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Annales islamologiques 40
2006 IFAO
20 p.
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الدوادار الثانى فى مصرفى عصر المماليك الجراكسة. Al-dawādār al-ṯānī fī Miṣr fī ʿaṣr al-Mamālīk al-ǧarākisa.

The dawâdâr is the official responsible for bearing and keeping the royal inkwell. This office was created by the Seljuqs and it became well known in Egypt in the Mamluk era. During the Bahari period the dawâdâr did not rank among the important amirs, but under the Circassians he became one of the first-ranking amirs of the kingdom. His duties and responsibilities increased to the extend that they were distributed among several amirs ; dawadar kabîr, dawâdâr thânî (second dawâdâr) and so on.

The Circassian Mamluk era witnessed the rise of power and influence of some of the second dawâdâr-s such as : Qurqumâs al-Sha‘bânî, Janibek al-dawâdâr al-thânî and Bardabek al-Ashrafî. Most of the second dawâdâr-s of that period held the rank of amîr tablakhânah but some held the rank of amir of thousand.

In addition to the traditional duties of the second dawâdâr during the Circassian era, he accomplished many other duties ; some of them were religious, others were military or even social duties.