Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 102
2002 IFAO
18 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Appuis-tête à inscription magique et apotropaïa.

During a systematic inventory of headrests carried out for a PhD thesis, two atypical artefacts stood out from the whole corpus. Both contain an almost identical magic -inscription, mentioning protective deities.

The interest of this new research lies in the confrontation with another type of artefact: the apotropaia. The comparative study sketched here, from the study of the inscriptions and the iconography, is of use as an introduction to new investigations in touch with the function of headrests and with that of apotropaia. Even if their function is not common, these two types of objects share significant resemblances and identical inscriptions.

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 102
2002 IFAO
25 p.
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Isis et Hathor [nebtyt rekhyt].

Nbtyt rḫyt "queen of the rekhyt" is primarily a title of the goddess Isis. As nbtyt rḫyt, Isis possesses the royal function given to her by her father Geb at her birthday "the day of the night of the infant in his nest". The title emphasises her relation with Osiris and Harsiësis "the son she puts on the throne of his father". In this way, Isis becomes the link between the royalty of the father and that of the son. This title is most frequent in the temple of Dendera, birthplace of the goddess Isis, specifically, in the chapel "the place of birth" (st-msḫn) and on the eastern gate leading to the temple of Isis. The title is also taken over by Hathor in order to underline the close relation between Isis and Hathor. The title is frequently attested in Philae and Edfu but becomes scarce in other regions. Nevertheless, the title keeps always the same meaning.

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 102
2002 IFAO
18 p.
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À propos d’une hirondelle et de quelques chats à Deir al-Médîna.

The purpose of this article is to show that both small animals of the Turin stele no. 50056 – one cat and a swallow – are not "secondary divinities" or deified animals but simply an aspect of a more important divinity: the rising sun for the bird, before Re crossed the horizon, and Hathor-Nebet-Hetepet for the cat, responsible for calming down the sun after the hard battle he does with his opponents every morning.

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 102
2002 IFAO
17 p.
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Notes sur le ouadi Maghara et sa région au Moyen Empire.

Wadi Maghara (Sinai) is known largely for having been a mining place for turquoise under the pharaos of the Old Kingdom. This area has however experienced another period of intense exploitation during the Middle Kingdom, under the last two kings of the XIIth dynasty. Some newly discovered documents cast light on the conditions of the re‑opening of this site from the second regnal year of Amenemhat III. They show the important role played by two categories of officials in this specific context: the "Scorpion Removers" (šd wḥʿwt) and the "Petty Officials" (jry ʿt).

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 102
2002 IFAO
16 p.
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Deux statues des dieux Philométors à Karnak (Karnak Caracol R177 + Cheikh Labib 94CL1421 et Caire JE 41218).

Publication of two statues representing Ptolemy VI Philometor and Cleopatra II, from the Amun temple at Karnak. Preliminary considerations of Ptolemaic royal statues in Egyptian temples allow us to clarify the role and the date of the setting up of these monumental statues at the entrance of Amun’s temple.

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 102
2002 IFAO
19 p.
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Le dieu Thot au Qasr el-Agoûz [Djed-her-pa-heb], [Djehouty-setem].

Examination of some epithets related to the god Thoth from the Qasr el-Aguz, his temple having been built by Ptolemy Evergete II near Medinet Habu. This article includes a full discussion of the names Ḏd-ḥr-pȝ-hb, Ḏḥwty-stm and of related topics. The god Thoth from the Qasr el-Aguz is a specific form of the ibis god, implicated namely in the liturgy of the cults of Djeme. His principal epithet should be understood as "Thoth the setem-(priest)" (and not as "Thoth-the-hearer"). The Hypothesis of an oracular temple of Thoth is here rejected after discussion of the subject.

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 102
2002 IFAO
12 p.
gratuit - free of charge
New Year’s Bottles from Tell Marqula (Dakhla Oasis).

Publication of four New Year’s bottles found in Tell Marqula during excavations carried out by the Antiquities Inspectorate of Dakhla (1988-1992). These bottles are dated to the XXVIth Dynasty and are inscribed with short inscriptions mentioning some names of divinities (Nebet-Hetepet, Ptah, Amun-Ra and Seth) and some proper nouns (Psammetik and Sethirdis).

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 102
2002 IFAO
203 p.
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Travaux de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale en 2001-2002

ISBN 9782724702965
2001 3e édition IFAO
Collection: BiEtud 50
Langue(s): anglais
1 vol.
22 (1100 EGP)

A community of Workmen at Thebes in the Ramesside Period

L?ouvrage de J. Cerny consacré à la vie des artisans de Deir al-Medina est un grand classique des études égyptologiques, depuis longtemps épuisé. À l'heure où se prépare une grande exposition, au Louvre, consacrée au village des artistes de la vallée des rois, il a semblé utile de faire une deuxième édition de ce travail. Le lecteur trouvera ici, outre le texte original de Cerny, les index des documents cités et des noms de particuliers qui rendent sa consultation plus facile.

ISBN 9782724703092
2001 IFAO
Collection: BIFAO 101
Langue(s): français
1 vol.
40 (2000 EGP)

Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale 101

  • Les articles de ce volume sont accessibles gratuitement au format PDF.
  • The papers of this volume are freely available in PDF format.
Sydney H. Aufrère
p. 1-41
Le roi Aouibrê Hor. Essai d’interprétation du matériel découvert par Jacques de Morgan à Dahchour (1894).
Michel Baud, Dominique Farout
p. 43-57
Trois biographies d’Ancien Empire revisitées.
Céline Boutantin
p. 59-86
Les figurines en terre cuite de la ville de ‘Ayn Asil.
Guillaume Bouvier
p. 87-97
Un ostracon hiératique inédit de Leyde. RMO F. 1980/3.7.
Georges Castel, Pierre Tallet
p. 99-136
Les inscriptions d’El-Harra, oasis de Bahareya.
Laurent Coulon
p. 137-152
Un serviteur du sanctuaire de Chentayt à Karnak. La statue Caire JE 37134 [Annexe : Le prophète de Khonsou-Chou Hersenef (statue Caire JE 37343)].
Hélène Cuvigny
p. 153-157
Un soldat de la cohors I Lusitanorum à Didymoi : du nouveau sur l’inscription I.Kanaïs 59 bis.
Jean-Luc Fournet
p. 159-181
Nouveaux textes scolaires grecs et coptes.
Laetitia Gallet
p. 183-196
À propos d’un bas-relief ptolémaïque: le bloc Berlin Inv. 2116.
Ivan Guermeur, Christophe Thiers
p. 197-219
Un éloge xoïte de Ptolémée Philadelphe. La stèle BM EA 616.
Jacques Guiter
p. 221-236
Contraception en Égypte ancienne.
Nessim Henry Henein
p. 237-248
Du disque de Hemaka au filet hexagonal du lac Manzala. Un exemple de pérennité des techniques de chasse antiques.
Francis Janot, Catherine Bridonneau, Marie-Françoise De Rozières, Laurence Cotelle-Michel, Christian Decamps
p. 249-291
La mission archéologique du musée du Louvre à Saqqara : une nécropole d’époque tardive dans le secteur du mastaba d’Akhethetep.
Yvan Koenig
p. 293-314
À propos de la conspiration du harem.
Florence Mauric-Barberio
p. 315-350
Le premier exemplaire du Livre de l’Amdouat.
Claude Rilly
p. 351-368
Une nouvelle interprétation du nom royal Piankhy.
Youri Volokhine
p. 369-391
Une désignation de la «face divine» [haout, haouty].
Sayed Yamani
p. 393-414
Roman monumental tombs in Ezbet Bashendi.
Pierre Zignani, Damien Laisney
p. 415-447
Cartographie de Dendara, remarques sur l’urbanisme du site.
Bernard Mathieu (éd.)
p. 451-610
Travaux de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale en 2000-2001

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