Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


Catalogue des publications

Cahiers des Annales islamologiques (CAI)

ISSN : 2428-4386

Les Cahiers des Annales islamologiques (CAI) s’inscrivent aussi bien dans la tradition savante du monde arabo-musulman que dans les approches des disciplines plus contemporaines.

La série "Sources" propose des éditions scientifiques de textes, en arabe comme dans les autres langues de culture pratiquées dans le monde arabo-musulman aux époques médiévale, moderne et contemporaine.

La série "Monographies" met en valeur les sujets les plus variés, de l’étude érudite à l’essai novateur sur des thèmes transversaux.

ISBN 9782724707496
2021 IFAO
Collection: CAI 35
Langue(s): anglais
1 vol. 192 p.
28 (1400 EGP)

Primordial History, Print Capitalism, and Egyptology in Nineteenth-Century Cairo
Muṣṭafā Salāma al-Naǧǧārī’s. The Garden of Ismail’s Praise

How old is the world? This question was a central problem for Muslims, Christians, and Jews in the face of the new scientific discoveries in the nineteenth century. This book introduces the answer from a Muslim point of view, outside of official institutions. The extended introduction – a microhistory in the Middle East – explores the life and œuvre of a forgotten Egyptian intellectual and poet, Muṣṭafā Salāma al-Naǧǧārī (d. 1870). Next, A. Mestyan provides the English translation and Arabic transcription of the surviving fragments of al-Naǧǧārīʼs manuscript, The Garden of Ismail’s Praise. This is a universal history of Egypt, written while the Suez Canal was under construction to praise the governor Khedive Ismail (r. 1863-1879). The author advocates a unique solution to computing the period of primordial history, before the Deluge, in the age of steam and print. Al-Naǧǧārī's alternative Nahḍa voice is available for the first time in this edition.



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Adam Mestyan
p. 1-186
19 €
Primordial History, Print Capitalism, and Egyptology in Nineteenth-Century Cairo