Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
11 p.
gratuit - free of charge
La mission du musée du Louvre à Saqqâra: un contexte de rejets d’embaumement.

In the sector of the mastaba of Akhethetep Nile-silt jars, which once contained mummification residues, have been found. In some of these jars there are traces of "white" natron, "black" natron found in canvas sachets, small straw fragments, remains of blackened wrappings, fragments of papyrus fibres and other vases. Clearly, most of these jars were not in their original arrangement as they had been carelessly abandoned there. These jars probably have no relation with the modest burials located in the sand layers to the east of the mastaba and which date from the end of the Pharaonic period or the beginning of the Ptolemaic period. They most certainly come from a slightly older group of tombs which were probably located close by. All of the pottery fragments are made of Nile silt. The pieces include large jars for the most part, but also bowls, a bottle, and small dishes which may have been used as jar lids.