Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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pays/zone estimés: EGY XXX

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 102
2002 IFAO
45 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Entre exigence décorative et significations multiples : les graphies suggestives du temple d’Hathor à Dendara.

At Dendara, some compositions are difficult to read if one does not take into account the ornamental dimension of the writing. The heavenly personality of the gods in the -hypostyle is represented by the abundance of birds used. The banners of the ouâbet, the theater of the rite of the New Year, the ideograms of the gods themselves – Hathor, Ra, Thoth, etc. – are discussed.

Mystery is not the intent of this process. Rather, one must register both the verb and the image: the intellectual and the visual, the immediate and the subtle.