Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


Catalogue des publications

ISBN 9782724704426
2007 IFAO
Collection: BCAI 22
Langue(s): français
1 vol.
20 (1000 EGP)

Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques 22 sur Cédérom

Le Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques (BCAI) vise à rendre compte de toute publication intéressant les études arabes et islamiques dans les divers domaines: langue et littérature arabes; islamologie, philosophie; histoire; histoire des sciences et des techniques; anthropologie et sciences sociales; arts et archéologie. Sur cédérom depuis 2000, ce dernier numéro présente les comptes rendus des 22 numéros de la revue et les sommaires des sommaires des Annales islamologiques des nos 1 à 40, offrant ainsi un outil complet et indispensable à tous les chercheurs travaillant sur le monde arabo-islamique.

Livré avec les Annales islamologiques, le cédérom du BCAI peut être vendu séparément.

ISBN 9782724704334
2007 IFAO
Collection: PalHiero 2
Langue(s): anglais
1 vol. 230 p.
45 (2250 EGP)

The Tomb of Sennedjem (TT1) in Deir El-Medina. Palaeography

Although of modest proportions, the burial chamber of TT 1 is decorated with many exquisite scenes, and with a wealth of inscriptions in painted hieroglyphs. These hieroglyphs are the subject of the present volume, which aims to classify, describe and explain the individual signs and their forms. The series Paléographie hiéroglyphique covers the entire period during which hieroglyphic texts were made, from the Old Kingdom to the Graeco-Roman Period. As a part of the series, this book is illustrative of a particular stage in the graphic and functional development of hieroglyphs: painted monochrome hieroglyphs in private tombs of the early Ramesside Period. The use and graphic variety of every individual sign is discussed in the commentary, and represented by samples in the palaeographical tables. A general commentary deals with the technique of painting the signs, their relation to other Pharaonic Egyptian scripts, the all-important influence of orientation on the shapes of hieroglyphs, and the mistakes and corrections made by their painter. Finally, a comparison is made between the signs in TT 1 and other tombs at Deir el-Medina that belonged to the workmen who spent their lives constructing and decorating the sepulchres of the Ramesside Pharaohs... as well as their own.

ISBN 9782724704693
2007 IFAO
Collection: EtudAlex 14
Langue(s): français
1 vol. 224 p.
30 (1500 EGP)

Alexandria ad Europam ( 2ᵉ édition 2012)

Les hommages à Alexandrie, individuels et collectifs, ne manquent pas. Mais tous se focalisent sur une période restreinte, antique ou moderne. À une exception, illustre : Pharos and Pharillon de E. M. Forster, recueil où l'essai côtoie la fiction sans segmenter l'histoire de la ville. De même, les contributions de ce volume s'étagent de l'Antiquité au XXᵉ siècle, sans renoncer à la cohérence. Dans son principe, cet ouvrage s'inspire d'une entreprise qui a fait date : la collecte des « lieux de mémoire », immatériels ou monumentaux, qui ont marqué l'histoire d'Alexandrie et qui ont façonné son image dans la culture européenne. L'archéologie côtoie donc ici la littérature, les arts, la musique, inséparables pour éclairer l'importance du mythe alexandrin.

ISBN 9782724704358
2007 IFAO
Collection: BiGen 28
Langue(s): français
2 vol.
90 (4500 EGP)

Cahiers de Karnak 12 - 2 vol. + 1 dévédérom

Ce douzième volume des Cahiers de Karnak, co-édité par les éditions Soleb et l'IFAO, rassemble des contributions portant sur les travaux effectués par le Centre franco-égyptien d'étude des temples de Karnak de 1998 à 2004, récapitulés dans le rapport d'activité qui ouvre la revue. Une grande partie des articles est consacrée aux travaux dans la zone centrale du temple. Les nouvelles fouilles à l'est du Lac Sacré ou dans le Musée de plein air sont aussi présentées, et plusieurs études documentaires (peintures coptes de l'Akhmenou, ostraca hiératiques, bibliographies) figurent également dans cet ouvrage.

L'ouvrage constitue le huitième volume de la collection Études d'égyptologie du Collège de France.

ISBN 9782724709599
2007 IFAO
Collection: BiGen 30
Langue(s): arabe, français
1 vol.

la version papier n’est pas disponible

Proverbes égyptiens relatifs aux poissons et aux oiseaux

Cet ouvrage présente une sélection de proverbes égyptiens, encore usités, où sont évoqués les poissons et les oiseaux, sédentaires et migrateurs. Ces jugements portés sur la vie quotidienne reflètent les traditions et les croyances propres à des régions, à des groupes sociaux et à des époques. Ils n'en sont pas moins révélateurs d'une attitude générale des Égyptiens face aux éléments du milieu naturel. Les proverbes sont présentés en version bilingue arabe / français et commentés.

يقدم هذا الكتاب مجموعة من اﻷمثال المصرية المتداولةحتى اليوم عن الأسماك والطيور المستوطنة والمهاجرة والتي تعكس في مجموعها صورا للزمان والمكان. وترسم لنا كثيرا من عتدات وتقاليد المصريين بمختلف طبقاتهم الاجتماعية ومعتقداتهم, ومواقفهم من كل ما يحيط بهم من أشياء وظروف. وهي مقدمة باللغتين العربية والفرنسية مع التعليق عليها.

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Annales islamologiques 41
2007 IFAO
10 p.
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Dossier : Les conventions diplomatiques dans le monde musulman. L’umma en partage (1258-1517). Introduction

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Annales islamologiques 41
2007 IFAO
29 p.
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Les relations diplomatiques entre les sultans mamlouks circassiens et les autres pouvoirs du Dār al-islām : l’apport du ms. ar. 4440 (BNF, Paris)

Due to the scarcity of documents that were exchanged between Muslim powers prior to the 16th century, the historian, in order to study the nature of these relations, is compelled to rely upon secondary sources such as copies that might have survived. A particularly fruitful and yet underused genre is represented by the collections of letters compiled, for the most part, by secretaries employed at the chancery of state. Of particular interest to the author and known since the 19th century is ms. ar. 4440 now held at the Bibliothèque nationale in Paris. This manuscript contains several copies of letters exchanged by powers pertaining to the Dār al-islām and the Mamluk Sultanate. The study of these documents provides the opportunity to understand the nature of relations between the Muslim powers and in particular the protocols that prevailed at the chancery. The aim of this paper is to draw attention to the importance of this manuscript as well as to construct an inventory of the material that the document provides.

Keywords: Chancellery, Diplomatic, Relations, Mamluk Sultanate, Correspondence, Collections of letters (munša’āt), Embassies, Envoys.

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Annales islamologiques 41
2007 IFAO
10 p.
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On the Periphery of the Islamic World : Diplomatic Correspondence of the Nogays with the Russians

The Nogay ulus (appanage) seceded from the Golden Horde in the 1390s under the leadership of Edigü, a well known military commander and chief of the Turco-Mongol Mangit tribe. Up until this point Nogay Horde had occupied a vast territory between the Yayik (Ural) and the Lower Volga River. Consequently during the 15th – 16th centuries they became the significant Tatar successor state of the Golden Horde. After the Russian conquest of the Khanates of Kazan and Astrakhan (1552, 1556), it was only the Nogay Horde and the Crimean Khanate that represented any real danger to the eastward expansion of the Muscovite state. Similar to their Crimean Tatar relatives, by the 16th – 17th centuries the Nogays were able to pursue large scale diplomatic correspondence with Moscow. This correspondence has been mostly preserved within the Russian State Archives of Old Documents (RGADA) in Moscow. Fourteen volumes of the so-called “envoy books” (posol’skie knigi) and thousands of letters written in separate sheets (stolbtsy) are kept in fond 127 of the RGADA archive. Although the material contains numerous contemporary Russian translations of Tatar documents, the originals of which have been lost; a few dozen of the original Nogay letters have survived. These letters are written in Tatar using the Arabic alphabet. The Nogay-Tatar documents of the 16th – 17th centuries, virtually unstudied by scholars, form the core material from which the author wishes to present his findings. These documents provide important descriptions of how the Nogay chancellery functioned and in particular, associated diplomatic and linguistic characteristics.

Keywords: Nogay Horde, Nogay documents, Russo-Nogay contacts, Tatar chancelleries, Russian archives.

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Annales islamologiques 41
2007 IFAO
17 p.
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Elevatio in Malay Diplomatics.

This article explores the extent to which the Islamic diplomatic practice of elevatio has permeated the chanceries of the Malay world in South East Asia. This honorific ‘elevation’ of a name or phrase from its normal position in the text to a more prominent position on the document, is described by V. Ménage in his seminal article published in 1985. In fact, no ‘true’ examples of elevatio can be found in the letters written in Malay, and although numerous examples illustrating the honorific elevation of the name of God can be documented in Malay seals from all over the archipelago, this practice appears to stem from a different source of authority. Nonetheless, a clear example of elevatio in a letter in Arabic from Sultan Alauddin Johan Sayah of Aceh serves to confirm that during the mid 18th century, the royal chancery of Aceh was fully aware of both principle and practice of this diplomatic nicety. Especially significant is the implication that different diplomatic traditions were deemed appropriate for documents in different languages issued from the same chancery, an important factor for consideration in any study of the diplomatic conventions of the Islamic world.

Keywords: Elevatio, Islamic diplomatics, Malay diplomatics, Aceh, Ternate, Malay seals.

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Annales islamologiques 41
2007 IFAO
37 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Comment le sultan mamlouk s’adressait au khan de la Horde d’Or. Formulaire des lettres et règles d’usage d’après trois manuels de chancellerie (1262-v. 1430).

This study focuses on the question of form and protocol that underline “the written connections” between the Mamluks and the Chinggisids of the Golden Horde. Our aim is to establish if the chancellery rules of the Jochids influenced the Mamluks and whether we are entitled to speak of a “cross-influence” between the Turkic, Mongols and Arabic epistolary practices of the time. The address to the khan by the sultans was governed by a strict set of rules. In order to shed light on these structures, the author wishes to make use of a corpus of letters that have until now remained an under exploited source. Although this source comprises of copied letters, it is reliable enough to enable us to recover part of the correspondence between the Muslim rulers. Moreover, it informs us about models and forms used by the chancellery secretaries, when constructing such diplomatic letters. This corpus is made of abstracts from chancellery handbooks written by three kuttāb al-inšā’ of the Mamluk Saltanate: al-Taʿrif fī-l-muṣṭalaḥ al-šarīf by Ibn Faḍl Allāh al-ʿUmarī (d. 749/1349), al-Taṯqif fī-l-taʿrif by Taqī al-dīn Ibn Nāẓir al-Ǧayš (d. 786/1384) and the Ṣubḥ al-aʿšā fī ṣinaʿat al-inšā’ by al-Qalqašandī (d. 821/1418).

Keywords: Chinggisids, Golden Horde, Mongols, khans, Mamluks, Chancellery, Codicologe, Diplomatics, Diplomacy, Letters.