Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
22 p.
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De Douch (oasis de Kharga) à Grand (Vosges). Un disque en verre peint à représentations astrologiques.

During the Ifao excavations on the site of Douch between 1976 and 1981, three glass fragments bearing a very original painted decoration were discovered. They are surely related to another fragment which was found by the naturalist Cailliaud in 1818 on the same site. If we put all together, they will offer us the possibility to reconstruct and identify the representation of the thirty six decans, in a ring of twelve panels of three alternating colours (dark blue, red and gold) with three decans by panels. The analysis of the different groups of Roman painted glass which are issued from Egyptian workshops leads to date this piece to the IIIrd – IVth century AD. Its best parallels are the tabula Bianchini kept in the Louvre Museum and the ivory tablets from Grand. They help us to identify the different decans and to assign them to their zodiacal signs. This curious object, cut in a cast colourless annular base plate, was probably kept in a wooden box which hid the traces of reuse and was employed to cast horoscopes.

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
44 p.
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«Rame» ou «course»? Enquête lexicographique sur le terme [hepet].

The word ḥpt is most often translated by "oar" although the numerous entries in the Egyptian dictionaries show the embarrassment of the Egyptologists concerning its exact meaning. In the Old Kingdom ḥpt was only written with the phonogram , ḥp. It never referred to the part of a boat (oar, rudder...) nor to another object, and the nature of the object depicted by this sign still remains undetermined. Ḥpt is a verbal noun made from the verb root ḥp(ỉ), "to run, travel", and exclusively describes a travel, either fast or not, either by land or not. Consequently, depending on the context, ḥpt may be translated by "course, travel, journey". The related verbal expressions ỉṯỉ ḥpt and, later and more rarely, ỉrỉ and ỉnỉ ḥpt are to be understood in the same way: "to make a travel, to travel". However, in the later part of his reign, King Mentuhotep II of the Eleventh Dynasty introduced the oar-sign in place of the usual sign in the spelling of his throne name Nb-ḥpt-R.ʿ. Such a new spelling, based on ideological grounds, was certainly intended to emphasize the association of the king with the god Re aboard the solar bark in its daily course, in connexion with the ritual navigation for the god Amun-Re created in Thebes at that time. This writing of ḥpt with the oar-sign only became widespread from the Eighteenth Dynasty onwards. The oar-sign was then used either as determinative or as phonogram ḥp. This graphical change did not lead to semantic changes but aroused some ambiguity in the use of the word by the Egyptian themselves and in its understanding by modern scholars. Actually, the few examples in which ḥpt seems to mean "oar" (i.e. something like "the fast one") are rare and scattered through the Middle and New Kingdoms. Some of them, dating back to the Late New Kingdom, are of obscure meaning and their interpretation is still uncertain.

It appears that the basic meaning of ḥpt, often written as a plural ḥpwt and with various spellings, remained unchanged until the Greco-Roman era. We propose in conclusion to gather the eight entries allocated by the Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache to a noun ḥpt under one single entry, with the general meaning "course, travel, journey". Secondary meanings like "oar" are definitely to be quoted as marginal and mostly doubtful ones.

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
18 p.
gratuit - free of charge
La mise en place des pouvoirs divin et royal dans l’univers tentyrique ptolémaïque.

In spite of important damages on the south wall of the inner Hypostyle or room of appearence in Dendara, it was possible to determine that the four pictures, on the left side of the door form a coherent set. Through the power of the primeval god and god of creation Ptah-Tatenen, the universe of Tentyra gradually gets organised. The second and third pictures are in bad condition but we can guess that Montu is present and Thot, the god of learning, preserves the cosmic order he established. The top of the wall depicts the rising of the sun. The sungod Re-Horakhty appears and bestows integral kingship on Hathor. In her turn, the celestial goddess guarantees the investiture of the king who is charged with maintaining the cosmic order by specific rites.

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
19 p.
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L’étoffe [sia.t] et la régénération du défunt.

The use of fabric sjȝ.t within the framework of the Ritual of the Embalming largely exceeds its material function. It forms part of a vast network of bonds – that this article tries to restore – referring to other elements of creation: Ġax, rising, sun, moon, etc.

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
28 p.
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Notes sur la zone minière du Sud-Sinaï au Nouvel Empire.

This article describes the mining expeditions led to South-Sinai during the New Kingdom. Using the epigraphic material, it shall point out to the various sites that were selected and describe the expeditionary forces: their number, organisation, their leaders and the roads they followed.

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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 103
2003 IFAO
176 p.
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Travaux de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale en 2002-2003

ISBN 9782724703320
2002 IFAO
Collection: EtudAlex 7
Langue(s): français
2 vol.
50 (2500 EGP)

Nécropolis 2 - 2 vol.

ISBN 9782724703238
2002 IFAO
Collection: BiGen 23
Langue(s): français
1 vol.
40 (2000 EGP)

Soleb III. Le temple. Description

ISBN 9782724703269
2002 IFAO
Collection: BiGen 24
Langue(s): français
1 vol.
20 (1000 EGP)

Guide des sites d'Abousir

Situé à la lisière du désert Libyque, à environ 25 km au sud du Caire, Abousir s'étend sur plus d'une centaine de kilomètres, d'Abou Roach au nord jusqu'à la frontière de l'oasis du Fayoum au sud.

Plusieurs souverains de la Ve dynastie, leurs familles et courtisans firent bâtir leurs tombes sur le territoire même du dieu des morts - per-ousir, « demeure (temple, domaine) d'Osiris ». Vaste champ de pyramides, inscrit au patrimoine mondial par l'Unesco depuis 1979, le site abrite également deux sépultures d'époque saïto-perse.

Longtemps négligé par la recherche égyptologique, Abousir bénéficie désormais de l'éclairage de fouilles archéologiques récentes et se révèle à travers ce livret richement illustré.

ISBN 9782724703306
2002 IFAO
Collection: BIFAO 102
Langue(s): français
1 vol.
40 (2000 EGP)

Bulletin de l'Institut français d'archéologie orientale 102

  • Les articles de ce volume sont accessibles gratuitement au format PDF.
  • The papers of this volume are freely available in PDF format.
Seÿna Bacot
p. 1-16
Une nouvelle attestation de «la petra d’Apa Mèna» au sud d’Assiout.
Lucas Baqué-Manzano
p. 17-61
Further Arguments on the Coptos Colossi.
Susanne Bickel
p. 63-90
Aspects et fonctions de la déification d’Amenhotep III.
Sylvie Cauville
p. 91-135
Entre exigence décorative et significations multiples : les graphies suggestives du temple d’Hathor à Dendara.
Philippe Collombert
p. 137-142
Une statue thébaine d’Amenhotep fils de Hapou trouvée à Esna.
Hélène Cuvigny
p. 143-153
Remarques sur l’emploi de [idios] dans le praescriptum épistolaire.
Beata Maria De Vliegher, Morgan De Dapper
p. 155-188
Un système d’information géographique pour le site archéologique d’Adaïma et ses environs.
Sibylle Emerit
p. 189-210
À propos de l’origine des interdits musicaux dans l’Égypte ancienne.
Hanane Gaber
p. 211-230
Différences thématiques dans la décoration des tombes thébaines polychromes et monochromes de Deir al-Médîna.
Victor Ghica
p. 231-245
Avatars méditerranéens de l’assyrien [burâshu].
Jean-Claude Grenier
p. 247-258
La stèle de la mère d’un Bouchis datée de Licinius et de Constantin.
Nessim Henry Henein
p. 259-266
Filets hexagonaux à oiseaux représentés dans la tombe de Méhou à Saqqâra.
p. 267-283
Quelques manuscrits hiératiques du Livre des Morts de la Troisième Période intermédiaire du musée égyptien de Turin.
Abd-el-Gawad Migahid
p. 285-297
Zwei spätdemotische Zahlungsquittungen in einer Urkunde. P. Vindob. D 6850.
Abd-el-Gawad Migahid
p. 299-307
Eine demotische Hierodulie-Urkunde aus dem Fajjum. P. Kairo 50018.
Milena Perraud
p. 309-326
Appuis-tête à inscription magique et apotropaïa.
René Preys
p. 327-351
Isis et Hathor [nebtyt rekhyt].
Frédéric Servajean
p. 353-370
À propos d’une hirondelle et de quelques chats à Deir al-Médîna.
Pierre Tallet
p. 371-387
Notes sur le ouadi Maghara et sa région au Moyen Empire.
Christophe Thiers
p. 389-404
Deux statues des dieux Philométors à Karnak (Karnak Caracol R177 + Cheikh Labib 94CL1421 et Caire JE 41218).
Youri Volokhine
p. 405-423
Le dieu Thot au Qasr el-Agoûz [Djed-her-pa-heb], [Djehouty-setem].
Sayed Yamani
p. 425-436
New Year’s Bottles from Tell Marqula (Dakhla Oasis).
Bernard Mathieu (éd.)
p. 439-641
Travaux de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale en 2001-2002

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