Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Annales islamologiques 46
2013 IFAO
24 p.
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شغب من الجارية إلى السيدة ٢٨٢-٣٢١هـ ٨٩٥-٩٣٣م Šaġab min al-ǧāriyya ilā al-sayyida (282-321 H./895-933M.)

Some women have the desire to govern, despite the difficulties. Šaġab, slave for Umm al-Qāsim (Muḥammad b. Ṭāhir’s daughter), gave birth to al-Muqtadir, who took the caliphate at the age of 13 years old. His mother was dominant even in all political matters.

Keywords: Šaġab – slave – al-ḫalīfa al-Muqtadir.

AnIsl046_art_21.pdf (0.61 Mb)
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Annales islamologiques 46
2013 IFAO
20 p.
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وثيقتان مرينيتان لم يسبق نشرهما حول تعديل المدّ النّبوي بمدينة فاس (نشر ودراسة) Waṯīqatān marīniyyatān lam yasbaq našru-humā ḥawla taʿdīl al-mudd al-nabawī bi-madīnat Fās (našr wa dirāsa)

The essence of this article is the publication of two unpublished documents stored in a maǧmūʿ preserved in the ancient Royal Library in Rabāṭ reporting a revaluation of mudd (base unit for measuring capacity up to the prophetic period), the date of this calibration was at (839/1435), by the order of the Merinid vizier Yaḥyā al-Waṭṭāsī.

The analysis approach in this study shows the unity of the Maghreb metrology system, between its three branches (Measure capacity, weight and length measurement). It was based on the grain of barley, common unit between these different branches, like the different units of the Eastern systems, such as the Egyptian system, or the Iraqi one.

Keywords: arabic manuscripts, historical documents, muslim metrology, stamps, low weight, capacity measurement, Maghreb, workshop striking, measure of languor, history of Arabs techniques.

AnIsl046_art_22.pdf (0.5 Mb)
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Annales islamologiques 46
2013 IFAO
40 p.
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اليهودية ودورها فى الصراع الحميرى الأكسومى على عهد يوسف أسأر بنقوش المسند Al-yahūdiyya wa-dawruhā fī al-ṣirāʿ al-ḥimyyarī al-uksūmī ʿalā ʿahd Yūsif As'ar bi-nuqūš al-musnad

Judaism had contributed in all the Himyarite foreign relations, during the first quarter of the sixth century, especially with the christian encampment which was led by Byzantine and its religious ally kingdom of Axom which has Abyssinian origins. Both of them supported christianity at Yemen, as a way to pursue their interests in this vital region of the Arabian Peninsula, taking advantage of the large extent of weakness of the Himaritic country at the end of its era.

The efforts of the Jewish king Yūsuf Asʿar (518-525) to resist those foreign ambitions were through christian wide persecution in his country which was manifested in the famous massacre of Naǧrān.

Keywords: Ḏū Nuwās – the inscriptions CIH621 – Ry.507, 508 and Ja.1028.

AnIsl046_art_23.pdf (1.7 Mb)
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Annales islamologiques 46
2013 IFAO
64 p.
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الأنماط المعمارية لحمَّامات العمائر المدنية بمدينة الطائف نهاية ق١٣هـ/١٩م وبداية ق١٤هـ/٢٠م (دراسة أثرية معمارية) Al-anmāṭ al-miʿmāriyya li-ḥammāmāt al-ʿamā’ir al-madaniyya bi-madīnat al-Ṭaʾif nihāyat q. 13H./19M. wa-bidāyat q. 14H./20M. (dirāsa aṯariyya m

This paper deals with the types of residential architecture’s baths (ḥammām) in Taif city by the end of the 13th/19th Century and the beginning of the 14th/20th Century. Taif city still has 13 baths in 4 palaces considered the only residential buildings that still exist from this period; all its components are almost complete and in a good condition of preservation. This study has classified the types of baths throughout their architectural plans, identified each type and determined the local architectural origin. It also highlighted the impacts of the Ottoman, especially Egyptian, models on its architectural and decorative elements. The study also zoom on the methods of supply, heating and detracting water in those baths.

The study ended with many conclusions and recommendations such as: the types included in the study are not purely local architectural heritage in Taif, but they also represent an arrival architectural style which came to Taif, and give a good example for the houses of the aristocratic class in Ḥiǧāz area at this time. We may conclude too that these baths follow two types: the first is the central plan, and the second is what we can call the consecutive plan. The study has recommended that it is necessary to maintain, conserve and restore Taif residential buildings, especially its baths, and reconstruct the missing parts. It is also recommended that recent additions must be removed because some of them have changed the original cases of the buildings.

Keywords: Islamic architecture – Ottoman architecture – Saudi Arabia – Taif – Ḥiǧāz – ḥammām (bath) – houses – palaces – frigidarium – tepidarium – caldarium.

BIFAO112_art_01.pdf (0.23 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 112
2013 IFAO
6 p.
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Jean Leclant (1920-2011).

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BIFAO112_art_02.pdf (0.16 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 112
2013 IFAO
4 p.
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Paul Barguet (1915-2012).

L'article est librement téléchargable: Bifao112_art_02.pdf

BIFAO112_art_03.pdf (0.24 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 112
2013 IFAO
8 p.
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Michel Baud (1963-2012).

L'article est librement téléchargable: Bifao112_art_03.pdf

BIFAO112_art_04.pdf (1.2 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 112
2013 IFAO
38 p.
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An Unpublished Granite Statue of Diskophoros Ephébos in Cairo.

 Publication d’une statue représentant un éphèbe diskophoros sur le chemin du gymnase ou palestre. Ce type de statue ne semble pas attesté auparavant dans l’art hellénique. Des rapprochements ont été faits avec la représentation de Daochos I et les statues « très discutées » des Tralleis Boy. Il est possible que cette iconographie ait été créée à Alexandrie vers la fin du iiie siècle av. J.-C. Le style, le traitement de surface et la finition de la statue suggèrent qu’il s’agit peut-être d’une copie ou d’une production plus tardive du modèle Alexandrin au début du ier siècle av. J.-C. Pour la première fois, est représenté en statuaire ce qui est décrit dans les papyrus et les inscriptions concernant le gymnase et l’ephebeia en Égypte ptolémaïque et Romaine. L’utilisation du granit rose témoigne de l’habilité des sculpteurs alexandrins et des copistes dans le travail des pierres dures, qui était à la mode depuis le début du iiie siècle av. J.-C.

Mots-clés : athlètes grecs – éphèbe – Diskophoros – gymnase – palestre – chlamide – Égypte gréco-romaine – art alexandrin – art ptolémaïque.


Publication of a statue depicting ephebe diskophoros on his way to the gymnasium or palaistra. This type has not been attested yet in Hellenistic art, but similarities have been done with the statue of Daochos I and the much-debated Tralleis Boy statues. This type perhaps was created in Alexandria by late 3 rd century BC. The style, surface treatment and finishing of the statue suggest that perhaps it was a copy or a successive edition of the Alexandrian model in the first century BC. For the first time a statue illustrates the descriptions in the papyri and in the inscriptions about gymnasia and ephebeia in Ptolemaic and Roman Egypt. The material, red granite shows the ability of Alexandrian sculptors and copyists to work hard stones, which was familiar since early 3 rd century BC.

Keywords: Greek athletes – Ephebe – Diskophoros – Gymnasium – Palaistra – Chlamys – Greco-Roman Egypt – Alexandrian art – Ptolemaic art.

BIFAO112_art_05.pdf (2.8 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 112
2013 IFAO
20 p.
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Les grands monuments égyptiens et nubiens du début de la XVIIIe dynastie sur le site de Doukki Gel (Kerma).

 Après une étude de la ville antique de Kerma, les vestiges d’une seconde agglomération nubienne sont apparus sur le site de Doukki Gel, à 1 km au nord. Des temples et des palais caractérisent un centre cérémoniel nubien. Durant le règne de Thoutmosis Ier, l’établissement d’un menenou change l’aspect de l’ensemble construit mis à part les temples primitifs qui sont préservés. L’opposition des monuments du royaume de Kerma et ceux réalisés par les Égyptiens est impressionnante. Elle permet d’observer une architecture africaine de plans circulaires ou ovales encore inconnue, faisant face aux grands bâtiments pharaoniques quadrangulaires.

Mots-clés : temples et palais nubiens – le menenou de Thoutmosis Ier – Doukki Gel – Kerma.


After excavating of the ancient city of Kerma, a second largest Nubian city remains appeared on the site of Dukki Gel, 1 km to the north. Temples and palaces are the characteristics of a Nubian ceremonial center. During the reign of Thutmose 1 st, the establishment of a menenu changes the appearance of the whole building apart from primitive temples that are preserved. The difference between the kingdom of Kerma monuments and those made by the Egyptians is impressive. It allows to perceive a new type of African architecture (circular or oval plans), facing the great pharaonic quadrangular buildings.

Keywords: Nubian temples and palaces – menenu of Thutmose 1 st – Dukki Gel – Kerma.

BIFAO112_art_06.pdf (1 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 112
2013 IFAO
20 p.
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Studies in Egyptian Lexicography III : CG 20506 and the Word for “Bed Canopy”.

Plus d’une vingtaine de scènes de baldaquins et de lits faits sous des baldaquins fournissent amplement la preuve qu’ils constituaient un élément fréquent de l’ameublement des ménages à l’Ancien Empire, du moins dans les foyers des classes moyenne et supérieure. Le lit à baldaquin le mieux préservé qui nous soit parvenu est celui de la reine Hétéphéres Ire, conservé aujourd’hui au Musée égyptien du Caire. Des parties de deux autres baldaquins plus anciens sont également connues. Le terme ẖn est utilisé pour désigner un lit à baldaquin, mais aussi une cabine de bateau, ou encore une tente de campagne. Or tous ces artefacts ont en commun d’être constitués d’un ensemble de colonnes dont les chapiteaux prennent la forme de bourgeon de papyrus.

Mots-clés : tente de campagne – baldaquin – CG 20506 – Hirkouf – Enseignement adressé à Kagemni – Nehri Ier – colonne à chapiteau papyriforme fermé – Pépi II – Plaisirs de la pêche et de la chasse – cabine de bateau.

More than twenty scenes of canopies and of bed making under canopies provide ample evidence that they were a regular component of household furnishings in the Old Kingdom, at least in upper and middle class homes. The best perserved bed canopy is from Queen Hetepheres Ist in the Cairo Egyptian Museum. Parts of two earlier canopies are also known. The word ẖn is used for bed canopy, but also as ship’s cabin, or campaign tent. All these artifacts have in common a framework of papyrus bud columns.

Keywords: Campaign tent – Canopy – CG 20506 – Harkhuf – Instruction Addressed to Kagemni – Nehri Ist – Papyrus-bud column – Pepy II – Pleasures of Fishing and Fowling – Ship’s cabin.