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Annales islamologiques 47
2014 IFAO
45 p.
gratuit - free of charge
«waṯā’iq al-ḫazīna al-ʿāmira al-irsāliyya» fī al-niṣf al-ṯānī min al-qarn al-ṭānīʿašar al-hiǧrī/al-ṯāminʿašar al-mīlādī

The present study attempts to explore the internal characteristics of the treasury registers sent to the Ottoman Sultan in the second half of the twelfth century H. which are currently kept in the National Archives of Egypt. The registers, dating back to the period between 5 Rabīʿ II 1154 H. and 6 Šāʿbān 1181 H., give a detailed view of the procedures of holding al-Dīwān al-ʿālī (the administrative body in Egypt under the Ottoman rule). During the meeting, revenues are handed to the treasury Sirdar (the military official in charge of the treasury) who in turn sends them to the Ottoman Sultan. Members of the Dīwān include the Dīwān high officials, the Rūznāmǧī (the official in charge of registering the treasury revenues), the Ottoman Pasha (the Ottoman ruler of Egypt) who has to send the registers detailing the gross revenues calculated in Egyptian sacks (each equivalent to 2500 Egyptian silver coins), the expenses and the remainder to be sent whether in cash or Buqǧas (small bundles) or receipts. The Sirdar hands in the registers to the Ottoman Sultan and brings what confirms its being handed in. The study also includes a sample document.

Keywords: Ottoman Documents - Treasury Documents – al-Dīwān al-ʿālī

يتناول‭ ‬البحث‭ ‬درا”ة‭ ‬العنا’ر‭ ‬الداخلية‭ ‬لخمس‭ ‬وثائق‭ ‬للخ“ينة‭ ‬الإر”الية‭ ‬العامرة‭ ‬المدونة‭ ‬ب”جلات‭ ‬الديوان‭ ‬العالي‭ ‬بدار‭ ‬الوثائق‭ ‬القومية‭ ‬والتي‭ ‬تنح’ر‭ ‬تواريخها‭ ‬في‭ ‬الن’ف‭ ‬الثاني‭ ‬من‭ ‬القرن‭ ‬ق12هـ‭/‬18م‭ ‬في‭ ‬الفترة‭ (‬5‭ ‬ربيع‭ ‬الثاني‭ ‬1154هـ‭) ‬إلى‭ (‬6‭ ‬‘عبان‭ ‬1181هـ‭) ‬والتي‭ ‬توضح‭ ‬رؤية‭ ‬تفصيلية‭ ‬عن‭ ‬مجلس‭ ‬انعقاد‭ ‬الديوان‭ ‬العالي‭ ‬لت”ليم‭ ‬الخ“ينة‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬”ردار‭ ‬الخ“ينة‭ ‬لإر”الها‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬السلطان‭ ‬العثماني‭ ‬في‭ ‬إ”طنبول‭. ‬وذلك‭ ‬من‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬الحاضرين‭ ‬للمجلس‭ ‬من‭ ‬كبار‭ ‬موظفي‭ ‬الديوان‭ ‬والروزنامجي‭ ‬الم”ؤول‭ ‬عن‭ ‬إملاء‭ ‬بيانات‭ ‬الخ“ينة‭ ‬والبا‘ا‭ ‬العثماني‭ ‬المطلوب‭ ‬في‭ ‬“من‭ ‬ولايته‭ ‬الخ“ينة‭ ‬والسنة‭ ‬الخراجية‭ ‬الواجب‭ ‬عنها‭ ‬إر”الها،‭ ‬مع‭ ‬بيان‭ ‬مبلغ‭ ‬إجمالي‭ ‬الخ“ينة‭ ‬بالأكيا”‭ ‬الم’رية،‭ ‬والم’روفات‭ ‬التي‭ ‬أنفقت‭ ‬منه‭ ‬موضحا‭ ‬بالجداول‭ ‬أوجه‭ ‬هذه‭ ‬الم’روفات‭ ‬والمبلغ‭ ‬النقدي‭ ‬لكل‭ ‬منها،‭ ‬ثم‭ ‬تحديد‭ ‬المبلغ‭ ‬الباقي‭ ‬من‭ ‬الخ“ينة‭ ‬والمر”ل‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬الباب‭ ‬العالي‭ ‬”واء‭ ‬المر”ل‭ ‬منه‭ ‬نقداً‭ ‬أو‭ ‬على‭ ‬هيئة‭ ‬قطع‭ ‬من‭ ‬البُقج،‭ ‬أو‭ ‬على‭ ‬هيئة‭ ‬وصولات‭ ‬ذلك‭ ‬المبلغ‭ ‬الذي‭ ‬يتم‭ ‬ت”ليمه‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬”ردار‭ ‬الخ“ينة‭ ‬خلال‭ ‬انعقاد‭ ‬المجلس‭ ‬وتعهده‭ ‬بت”لمه‭ ‬إلى‭ ‬الباب‭ ‬العالي‭ ‬وإحضار‭ ‬ما‭ ‬يشهد‭ ‬له‭ ‬بوصوله،‭ ‬كما‭ ‬يتضمن‭ ‬البحث‭ ‬نشر‭ ‬لإحدى‭ ‬وثائق‭ ‬الدرا”ة‭.

الكلمات‭ ‬المفتاحية‭ :‬‭ ‬الوثائق‭ ‬العثمانية‭ - ‬وثائق‭ ‬الخ“ينة‭ - ‬الديوان‭ ‬العالي