Edmund Hayes, Eline Scheerlinck |
2021, p. 3-14 |
0.3 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_01.pdf |
Introduction. Acts of Protection in Early Islamicate Societies |
Eline Scheerlinck |
2021, p. 15-30 |
0.4 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_02.pdf |
Procedures of Protection. Coptic Protection Letters and Village Life |
Peeter Webb |
2021, p. 31-56 |
0.5 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_03.pdf |
Protection Granted by Women. Between Law and Literature |
Geert Jan van Gelder |
2021, p. 57-72 |
0.5 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_04.pdf |
Men in Women’s Clothes. Some Curious Cases of Protection from Arabic Literary Sources |
Hugh N. Kennedy |
2021, p. 73-82 |
0.4 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_05.pdf |
Commendation in the Umayyad and Early Abbasid Period as Described in the Futūḥ al‑Buldān of al‑Balāḏurī |
Said Huseini |
2021, p. 107-124 |
0.5 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_07.pdf |
Acts of Protection Represented in Bactrian Documents |
Arezou Azad, Pejman Firoozbakhsh |
2021, p. 125-138 |
3.9 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_08.pdf |
“No One Can Give You Protection”. The Reversal of Protection in a Persian Decree Dated 562/1167 |
Dieter Weber |
2021, p. 139-164 |
8.3 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_09.pdf |
Living Together in Changing Iran. Pahlavi Documents on Arabs and Christians in Early Islamic Times |
Etienne de La Vaissière |
2021, p. 165-176 |
0.4 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_10.pdf |
Sogdian Ḏimmī. Religious and Political Protection in Early 8th Century Central Asia |
Našwā Ǧumʿa Ḍayf-Allāh Badr |
2021, p. 179-222 |
0.6 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_11.pdf |
Al-tarǧama al-ʿarabiyya li-kitāb Gālīnūs « Fī taʿarruf ʿillal al-aʿḍā’ al-bāṭina al-maʿrūf bi-Kitāb al-mawāḍiʿ al-ālima ». Dirāsa fī tiqniyyat al-tarǧama |
Mathias Hoorelbeke |
2021, p. 223-236 |
0.5 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_12.pdf |
Le cercle des poètes disparus et comment y entrer. Une lecture de la notice d’Ibrāhīm al‑Ṣūlī dans le Wafayāt al‑aʿyān d’Ibn Ḫallikān |
Costantino Paonessa |
2021, p. 275-298 |
4.5 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_14.pdf |
L’anticléricalisme dans l’Égypte coloniale. Le cas de la colonie italienne (1860-1914) |
Bernard O'Kane |
2021, p. 299-332 |
30.7 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_15.pdf |
The Architect Antonio Lasciac (1856–1946) in the Context of Mamluk Revivalisms |
Brenda Segone |
2021, p. 333-380 |
23 Mb |
AnIsl054_art_16.pdf |
Le voyage en Occident de Muḥammad Nāǧī (1888-1956) |
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