Perrine Pilette |
2024, p. 11-30 |
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AnIsl058_art_03.pdf |
Transforming the Coptic Ecclesiastical History at the beginning of the Mamluk Period: From the History of the Patriarchs of Alexandria to the Coptic-Arabic Synaxarion |
Mathew Barber |
2024, p. 31-64 |
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Comparing the Crisis of 806/1403–1404 and the Fatimid Fitna (450–466/1058–1073): al-Maqrīzī as a Historian of the Fatimids |
Yossef Rapoport |
2024, p. 65-82 |
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“The Arabs who Witnessed the Conquest Were Lost in the Passage of Time”: al-Maqrīzī’s History of the Rural Tribesmen of Egypt |
Hassan El-Daif |
2024, p. 83-116 |
249.2 Mb |
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Al-barbar fī risālat al-bayān li-l-Maqrīzī: al-maṣādir wa-l-dawāfiʿ wa-l-maqāṣid |
Clément Onimus |
2024, p. 117-138 |
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Constructing an Event: A Narratological Perspective on Ibn Ḥaǧar and the al-Harawī Affair |
Georg Leube |
2024, p. 139-160 |
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Narrating Hierarchy? Dimensions of “Culture” in the Construction of Mamlūk Hegemony over Uzun Ḥasan Aqquyunlu in Ibn Ajā’s Taʾrīkh al-Amīr Yashbak |
Hoda El Saadi |
2024, p. 161-182 |
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AnIsl058_art_09.pdf |
Discourses on Marital Relationships in Mamlūk Society: Changing Contexts and Evolving Social Realities |
Omaïma Hassan El-Mahdi |
2024, p. 183-202 |
0.4 Mb |
AnIsl058_art_10.pdf |
Al-awbi’a bayna al-tafsīrāt al-ʿilmiyya wa-l-tafsīrāt al-dīniyya : qirā’a fī al- maṣādir al-mamlūkiyya fī al-qarn al-ḫāmis ʿašar al-mīlādī |
Muḥammad Naṣr ʿAbd Al-Raḥmān |
2024, p. 203-232 |
12.3 Mb |
AnIsl058_art_11.pdf |
Naẓrat al-maṣādir al-mamlūkiyya ilā al-ʿlāqāt al-ḫāriǧiyya li mamālīk miṣr: al-ʿalāqāt al-diblūmāsiyya bi ṣalṭanat Dihlī (602-932/1206-1526) numūḏaǧan |
Manuel Sartori |
2024, p. 235-276 |
0.7 Mb |
AnIsl058_art_12.pdf |
Le fāʾ des conditionnelles totales. Aspects diachroniques et synchroniques |
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