Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire


Catalogue des publications

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Bibliothèque d’étude 138
2004 IFAO
4 p.
5 (250 EGP)

La vache céleste Ihet, protégeant le particulier Padisemataouy

Mots-clés: Hathor, Deir el-Bahari, Tell Tmaï, XXXe dynastie, musée du Caire

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Bibliothèque d’étude 138
2004 IFAO
14 p.
10 (500 EGP)

The Great Theatre of Pelusium

Mots-clés: Tall al-Faramā, foundations, theatre of Scythopolis, theatre of Philadelphia, shape

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Bibliothèque d’étude 138
2004 IFAO
4 p.
5 (250 EGP)

The False-Door stele of Ḥesi 

Mots-clés: Vth dynasty, Giza, title, Dwa-Ra, Dwa-Ka

BiEtud138_art_37.pdf (7 Mb)
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Bibliothèque d’étude 138
2004 IFAO
16 p.
10 (500 EGP)

Amon-Rê à Kerma

Mots-clés: Doukki Gel, bélier, temple d’Akhenaton, mouton paré, Kadruka

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Bibliothèque d’étude 138
2004 IFAO
10 p.
10 (500 EGP)

The Sycamore Fig

Mots-clés: medical practice, drug, Hathor, latex, dew

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Bibliothèque d’étude 138
2004 IFAO
10 p.
10 (500 EGP)

Un Ptah-Sokar-Osiris au nom d’Ankhpakhered, fils de Nesmin

Mots-clés: statuette en bois, époque tardive, titulature, musée du Louvre, papyrus de Nesmin

BiEtud138_art_40.pdf (0.26 Mb)
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Bibliothèque d’étude 138
2004 IFAO
16 p.
10 (500 EGP)

كهنوت معبد «مدينة هابو» في العصر البطلمي من خلال النصوص الديموطيقية

Mots-clés: العصر البطلمي، النصوص الديموطيقية، المطهر، معبد مدينة هابو

BiEtud138_art_41.pdf (0.26 Mb)
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Bibliothèque d’étude 138
2004 IFAO
7 p.
5 (250 EGP)

النعت السببي في اللغة العربية وما يناظره في اللغة المصرية القديمة

Mots-clés: النعت السببي، اللغة المصرية القديمة

BIFAO104_art_01.pdf (0.21 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 104
2004 IFAO
20 p.
gratuit - free of charge
Imhotep et Djoser dans la région de la cataracte. De Memphis à Éléphantine.

This paper reconsiders the delicate problem of Djoser and Imhotep, two well known figures during the Ptolemaic period in the region of the first cataract. Why is Imhotep, a popular Memphite personnage since the Old Kingdom, worshipped in the Elephantine area, far from his original cult centre? Is it possible to improve our knowledge of the process by which the Egyptians instituted a cult of Imhotep there? Is this cult based on local historical events which would have made the introduction of this Memphite demigod into the Elephantine pantheon easier?

Partly based on the analysis of the delicate problem of the Famine stela, the present paper gathers together the pieces of a puzzle, from Memphis-Saqqara and Hermopolis to Elephantine. It demonstrates that the cult of Imhotep in Elephantine probably emanated from both Memphite and Hermopolite religious traditions. This paper shows how the establishment of his cult at -Elephantine was based on a comparison of Imhotep with Ptah and Khnum and their influence on the development of embryo. Moreover, it shows that the specific characteristics of Imhotep were particularly appreciated during the Late Period because he was considered (as a son of Ptah and Khnum) able to use his influence with both deities, to accelerate the flood process and protect pregnant women.

BIFAO104_art_02.pdf (0.5 Mb)
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Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale 104
2004 IFAO
18 p.
gratuit - free of charge
La pintade, le soleil et l’éternité. À propos du signe [...] (G 21).

The sign G21, identified by L. Keimer as a reference to the Guineafowl, Numida meleagris L., has the phonetic reading nḥ, which is also the bird’s name, Nḥ. It is commonly used in the writing of the word for cyclical eternity, Nḥḥ.

Nḥ is mentioned in funerary texts, connected to sunrise.

The palaeography of the sign G21, the study of the bird’s behaviour, and a careful analysis of funerary texts throw a light on the link established by the Ancient Egyptians between the -Guineafowl, the sun and cyclical eternity.