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Les conférences de la SFDAS
Le dimanche 8 décembre 2024 à 17h00 (heure du Caire), IFAO
Socio-cultural and economic links with livestock in Nubia:
the impact of Egyptian power and the creation of a hybrid culture
Colin Fauré
Langue : anglais.
Cette conférence est ouverte au public et à distance en direct sur la chaîne YouTube de l’Ifao.
Rooted in the Neolithic period, a strong link between populations and domestic animals (cattle in general, and bovines in particular) developed in Nubia. This socio-cultural relationship is particularly evident in the tombs of the town of Kerma, where thousands of skulls are found around the tombs, but is also present throughout the region, among most ethno-cultural groups, taking on more or less diverse forms. The role of livestock in the economy and means of subsistence is also well established, as evidenced by the thousands of bones found in urban areas.
However, these forms of expression seem to have disappeared with the arrival of Egyptian power during the New Kingdom. The re-emergence of these practices at the end of the period and after the withdrawal of Pharaonic power suggests that, rather than disappearing, socio-cultural practices related to domestic animals were transformed by contact with Egyptian culture. Visible in the necropolises, the transformation and adaptation of these native practices to Egyptian culture created a space for the expression of a hybrid identity.
Colin Fauré
École Pratique des hautes Études
Colin Fauré obtained a Master’s degree in Ancient Worlds in Montpellier in 2021 at the Paul Valery University, before moving to EPHE to begin a PhD in Egyptology. Interspersed with a 9-month stay in Sudan as part of a mobility grant awarded by the SFDAS, his work focuses on the administration of the royal sons of Kush during the New Kingdom, their economic management of the territory and the cultural contacts and exchanges between the different populations making up the territory.
Les conférences de la SFDAS
Un cycle de conférences en mode hybride proposé par la Section française de la Direction des Antiquités du Soudan. Ces conférences sont ouvertes au public et à distance en direct sur la chaîne YouTube de l'Ifao.
A series of lectures in hybrid mode offered by the French Section of the Sudan Directorate of Antiquities. Lectures are open to the public in person and for remote attendance live on the YouTube channel of the Ifao.