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Les conférences de l’Ifao
Le mercredi 13 novembre 2024 à 18h00 (heure du Caire), IFAO
The Memphis Hathor Temple
Recent Work and New Discoveries
Michelle Marlar
Langue : anglais.
In 2022, a joint mission between the Houston Museum of Natural Science (HMNS) and The Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, co-directed by Dr. Michelle Marlar and Mr. Mohamed Elseaidy was formed to work at the largely intact Hathor temple located in Memphis. The mission focuses on the conservation and documentation of artifacts and exposed temple architecture, as well as imaging and excavation of the temple and its environs.
As will be detailed in the lecture, our work is revealing a complicated history for the temple, which evidence suggests was built during the 18th Dynasty, re-carved at least twice (during both the 18th and 19th Dynasties), fell out of use by the Third Intermediate Period and was subsequently partially dismantled and then covered over by faience and textile workshops during both the TIP and Late Period. As this is an ongoing project between the Ministry & HMNS, under new co-directorship between Dr. Marlar and Mr. Sayed Shoura, we hope to uncover the rest of the temple in future seasons.
Dr. Michelle Marlar is an Egyptologist working as the Director of Egyptian Archaeological Missions at the Houston Museum of Natural Science (HMNS). In this role, she serves as co-director of the joint American-Egyptian mission at the Memphis Hathor temple located in Mit Rahina, Egypt. Since the spring of 2022, this mission has worked to conserve, document, and excavate the small temple attributed to Ramses II, which, once it is fully exposed, will be developed to enrich the experience of the millions of tourists who visit Memphis every year.
Dr. Marlar earned her bachelor’s degree in Archaeology from Baylor University, a master’s degree in Ancient Egyptian Art & Archaeology from The University of Memphis, and a PhD in Ancient Egyptian Archaeology and Art History from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University under the direction of Dr. David O’Connor. She has been working in Egypt since 2001, initially with a focus on the Osiris Temple in Abydos, Egypt which involves the documentation and conservation of artifacts recovered during her excavations at the temple site. In addition to excavating, she has taught and lectured about various aspects of ancient Egyptian civilization and material culture at several schools and colleges in the United States.
Les conférences de l’Ifao
Les conférences de l'Ifao ont pour objectif la transmission des résultats des recherches en cours ou très récentes, par des chercheurs confirmés. Y sont conviés essentiellement les chercheurs impliqués dans les différentes opérations scientifiques de l'Ifao lors de leur passage par l'Institut. ِElles sont également parfois le lieu de présentation d'ouvrages récemment parus à l'Ifao par leurs autheurs. Les conférences de l'Ifao ont lieu traditionnellement les mercredis aprés-midis, en français ou en anglais.
IFAO Lectures series aim to transmit the results of current or very recent research by confirmed researchers. They are mainly animated by researchers involved in IFAO's various scientific programs and projects during their stay at the Institute. They are also sometimes the occasion for presentations, by their authors, of books recently published by the IFAO.
IFAO Lectures series are traditionally held on Wednesday afternoons, in French or English.