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Le mercredi 26 avril 2017 à 18h00 (heure du Caire), IFAO
Conservation and Restoration of the Step Pyramid in Saqqara
Ashraf Youssef Ewais, Ministry of Antiquities
Build in the third dynasty as king Zoser’s tomb, the Step Pyramid in Saqqara is one of the most important archaeological monuments in Egypt. However, the stability of the pyramid was threatened, especially the first step on the north side and burial shaft. In 2006, a large-scale conservation project was initiated by an Egyptian company. A scientific study investigated the deterioration factors that affected the pyramid, in order to prepare a comprehensive conservation and restoration plan. The sand carried by the wind caused a great load on the edges, while the degradation of the mortar caused many stones to fall or move from their original place, leaving large gaps. The four corners of the pyramids were not in a strong position of stability: the deterioration on the surface of many stones caused them to turn into fine chips. The pyramid’s inside also presented many problems, especially the ceiling of the burial shaft and the underground galleries which are cut in clay layers and filled with debris. Conservation and restoration work in the pyramid have been carried out according to international standards of restoration and conservation. The lecture will present the methods and results of this work.