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Le mercredi 12 juillet 2023 à 9h00 (heure du Caire), IFAO
An Introduction to Arabic Papyrology
A One-day Seminar for Young Egyptian Academics
Abbès Zouache (Ifao) & Mathilde Prévost (Ifao), Khaled Younes (University of Sadat City) & Ahmed Nabil (University of Sadat City)
Langue : anglais.
Deadline for submission 30th June 2023
The French Institute for Oriental Archaeology in Cairo (Ifao) is pleased to announce a one-day seminar of introduction to Arabic Papyrology, which will take place at the Ifao on July 12th 2023.
The seminar is organized by Abbès Zouache (Ifao), Mathilde Prévost (Ifao), Khaled Younes (University of Sadat City) and Ahmed Nabil (University of Sadat City) with four instructors: Khaled Younes (University of Sadat City), Ahmed Nabil (University of Sadat City), Farouq Bouaziz (University of Tunis) and Ahmad Kamal (Ministry of Antiquities).
The seminar is organized in two sessions. The morning session will consist of a series of lectures, focusing on special topics: the birth and development of Arabic papyrology, its material and objects as well as a review of the collections of papyri worldwide. Several technical issues will be raised, including: evolution of the styles of script (palaeography), interdependence between literary and documentary papyri, topology of texts, systems of dating and measuring, and archaeological context.
The afternoon session will be spent in reading, editing and commenting on original unpublished papyri from the archive of the Ifao. The participants will split into small groups working on one piece together. The technical knowledge treated earlier on in the morning session will be put into practice in a way that encourages first-hand experience with papyri and learning interaction between the participants and the instructors.
This seminar is exclusively conceived for postdoctoral researchers, university staff, students currently preparing their Master or PhD degrees as well as for Egyptian curators and restorers.
Applications (in English) consisting of a letter of motivation and a CV, which details the applicant’s education and working experience ought to be sent at the latest on June 30th, through the online form (click here to submit)
Due to the limited number of places, there will be a selection of participants. The successful applicants are expected to prove their good command in English and good knowledge of the history of the early Islamic Egypt.
Principal Organisers:
Abbès Zouache (IFAO) & Mathilde Prévost (IFAO), Khaled Younes (University of Sadat City) & Ahmed Nabil (University of Sadat City).
- Khaled Younes (University of Sadat City)
- Ahmed Nabil (University of Sadat City)
- Farouq BouAziz (Tunis University)
- Ahmed Kamal (Ministry of Antiquities)
A Proposed Programme
9:00 – 9:15 Opening Remarks: Abbès Zouache
9:15 – 10: 00 An introduction to Arabic papyrology (the birth of Arabic papyrology, ISAP (the international society for Arabic papyrology): Khaled Younes
10:00 – 10:45 APD (Arabic papyrology database), papyrus collections worldwide: Ahmad Nabil
10:45 – 11: 00 Coffee break
11:00 -11:45 Letters on Papyrus (layout, themes, scripts etc.): Khaled Younes
11:45 -12:30 Legal Documents: Farouq BouAziz
12:30 -13:15 State Documents: Ahmad Kamal
13:15-14:00 Discussion
14:00 – 15:00 Lunch
Afternoon: Reading workshop
15:00 -17:00 Selected Arabic Texts from the IFAO archive
17:00 -17:30 Concluding Remarks: Khaled Younes & Abbès Zouache