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d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies

A joint collaboration between the Ifao (Institut français d’archéologie orientale) & the DAIK (German Archaeological Institute in Cairo), joined in 2025 by the CAI (Centro Archeologico Italiano), PCMA (Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology Cairo) & NVIC (Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo).

This seminar series aims, broadly speaking, to discuss different aspects related to the production of historical knowledge on Egypt. Speakers are invited to reflect on the different ways of writing, narrating and thinking about Egypt’s history at different periods, as well as on the actors, contexts, and power relations involved in the production of historical narratives. By adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, the seminar series seeks to bring into conversation fields which have traditionally been examined separately, such as the history of Egyptology, the study of modern Egyptian historiography, and the history of heritage and preservation.

In addition, while the seminar series seeks to shed a critical light on the formation of specific disciplinary fields and traditions, it also moves beyond an exclusive focus on professional history writing, in order to explore the various institutions, genres, and channels, through which historical narratives have been produced and disseminated.  Among the themes that will be discussed, for instance, are the different “histories” of Egyptology, archaeology or Arabic and Islamic studies, academic versus “popular” representations of history, and heritage preservation as a site of production of historical narratives.

Exploring Egypt: Histories and Historiographies Seminar is organised by Fatma Keshk, Postdoctoral fellow at DAIK & Ifao and Malak Labib, scientific member of the Ifao.

toutes les manifestations


Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies

Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies - PCMA

Calligraphers and Patrons in Mamluk Cairo
ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn al-Ṣāyigh and the Arts of the Book

Noha Abou-Khatwa

Le mardi 18 février 2025 à 18h00 (Le Caire, 1h00)

Manifestations passées

Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies - DAIK

"I shall not interfere in the matter"
British politics and the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun

Tom Hardwick

Le mercredi 22 janvier 2025 à 18h00 (Le Caire, 1h00)
Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies - CAI

Printing Egyptology in Arabic in 19th century Egypt

Ahmed Mansour and Fatma Keshk

Le mercredi 15 janvier 2025 à 18h00 (Le Caire, 1h00)
Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies - IFAO

Changing Egyptian Textbooks over time: Authors, Bureaucracy and Politics

Farida Makkar

Le mercredi 26 juin 2024 à 18h00 (Le Caire, 1h00)
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Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies - DAIK

Making Histories of Family Collections
The Blurred Lines Between the Personal and the Public

Iman Afify & Yasmin Tarek Ismail

Le lundi 20 mai 2024 à 18h00 (Le Caire, 1h00)
Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies - NVIC

Was Egyptology Colonial?
State, Labor, and Antiquities Management in Nineteenth-century Egypt

Wendy Doyon

Le mardi 16 avril 2024 à 18h00 (Le Caire, 1h00)
Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies - IFAO

Contextualizing the History of Egyptology: politics and policies of Service des Antiquités de l’Egypte in the early 20th century.

Carole Jarsaillon

Le dimanche 25 février 2024 à 17h00 (Le Caire, 1h00)
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Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies - DAIK

The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend:
Exploring the Mamluk Dynasty (1250-1517) through Popular Culture

Yasmine Moataz Ahmed & Claire Panetta

Le dimanche 21 janvier 2024 à 17h00 (Le Caire, 1h00)
Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies - IFAO

The Comité de conservation des monuments de l’art arabe (Egypt, 1881-1950s)
Readdressing post-colonial narratives

Dina Bakhoum

Le dimanche 3 décembre 2023 à 16h00 (Le Caire, 1h00)
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Exploring Egypt Seminar: Histories and Historiographies - DAIK

Primordial History, Print Capitalism, and Egyptology in Nineteenth-Century Cairo

Adam Mestyan

Le mercredi 15 novembre 2023 à 16h00 (Le Caire, 1h00)