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Le séminaire de recherche de l'Ifao

Le dimanche 16 juillet 2023 à 15h00 (heure du Caire), IFAO géolocalisation IFAO

Bronze Osirises:
Examining a large production of statues of the First Millennium BC

Eid Mertah & Simon Connor

Langue : anglais.

The 9th session of the Ifao Research Seminar of this academic year 2022/2023, features Eid Mertah, conservator at the Egyptian Museum Cairo and 

Simon Connor, scientific member at the Ifao. It will be introduced and moderated by Laurent Coulon, Director of the Ifao.

The seminar is open to all interested parties, both in presentia, subject to availability, and remotely on the Ifao YouTube channel.


Bronze statues depicting Osiris abound in Egyptian collections around the world. Their dating is often very approximative (generally « Late Period »), even though they were produced throughout the whole First Millennium BC. Some of these bronzes seem to have been the main focus of cultic practices, while smaller ones may have been sorts of ex-votos displayed within a liturgical assemblage that served the cultic needs of the temple.

In this lecture, we will present a study of a number of Osiris statues that we are carrying on at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo. We join an Egyptological approach (study of style and inscriptions) to archaeometrical analyses (X-Ray radiography, pXRF, allowing us to characterise the manufacturing techniques, the nature and composition of the alloys, inlays and gold applications) to form groups, trace the evolution of this category of objects, propose a provenance for undocumented pieces and perhaps even detect ateliers of fabrication.



Simon Connor is a scientific member at the Ifao. He has been excavating in various sites in Egypt (Heliopolis, Memphis, Dahshur, Abydos, Luxor), in Lebanon and in Italy. He specialized in the study of Egyptian statuary.





Eid Mertah is a conservator at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. He is currently working on his PhD dissertation on Osiris bronze statues at Cairo University, with a doctoral grant of the Ifao.






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Le séminaire de recherche de l'Ifao

Le séminaire de recherche de l'Ifao est un lieu d'échange et de dialogue scientifique sur les recherches en cours sur l'Egypte, l'ensemble du Proche-Orient ou parfois les espaces plus vastes dans lesquels s'inscrit l'histoire égyptienne. Y sont présentées et discutées par un ou plusieurs intervenants les recherches menées par les membres de la communauté scientifique de l'Ifao, ainsi que par des chercheurs invités.

Le séminaire vise tout à la fois à exposer et confronter des savoirs, et à s'interroger sur des questions d'ordre méthodologique (appréhension du terrain, écriture, interdisciplinarité, humanités numériques, comparatisme, etc.).

Modalités : présentiel, distanciel ou mode hybride, le mercredi après-midi, de 16 à 18h (horaire susceptible d'être modifié en fonction de l'actualité).

Lieu : salle de conférence de l'Ifao.