Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire



liste des chercheurs

Valentina Gasperini

@vgasperini at ifao dot egnet dot .net


Chercheure associée

British Museum

Doctorat en Archéologie, Université de Bologne (Italie), 2010

Project Curator “Amara West Ceramics”, Département "Egypt and Sudan", British Museum (2017-2020)

Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Département de "Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology”, Université de Liverpool (2014-2016)

"Assegnista di Ricerca", Département de Archéologie, Université de Bologne (2011-2012)

Céramique égyptienne et nubienne du Nouvel Empire

Interactions commerciales et culturelles entre l’Égypte et la Méditerranée orientale à la fin de l’âge du bronze

Étude des routes caravanières dans le désert occidental égyptien

Publication du corpus céramique du site d’Amara West (Soudan)

Participation à la fouille de Saqqara (Nécropole du Nouvel Empire)

Chargée de cours, Université de Bologne


Tomb Robberies at the End of the New Kingdom. The Gurob Burnt Groups Reinterpreted (2018).
Oxford University Press.


“Preliminary report on the pottery from the 2018 excavation” in P. Del Vesco, C. Greco, M. Müller, N. Staring, L. Weiss, “Current Research of the Leiden-Turin Archaeological Mission in Saqqara. A Preliminary Report on the 2018 Season”, Rivista del Museo Egizio 3 (2019), 14-17.

“Roads from Bahariya to Faiyum: A Study in Remotely Sensed Data”, Ägypten und Levante 28
(2018), 181-198.

“Goods from the Wine-Dark Sea: Typology of Imports Excavated at Zawiyet Umm el-Rakham”, in
H. Franzmeier - Th. Rehren - R. Schulz (eds.), Mit archäologischen Schichten Geschichte schreiben Festschrift für Edgar B. Pusch zum 70. Geburtstag Forschungen in der Ramses-Stadt 10, Gerstenberg-Verlag, Hildesheim 2016, 121-135.

“Preliminary Report on the First Season of the Tell Nabasha Project, Autumn 2015”, Ägypten und Levante 26 (2016), 65-74

“Pottery from the South Tombs Cemetery”, in B. J. Kemp, “Tell el-Amarna 2015”, Journal of
Egyptian Archaeology 101 (2016), 32-33

“Pottery study”, in B. J. Kemp, “Tell el-Amarna 2014”, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 100 (2015), 23-25

“Mycenaean and Cypriot Pottery from Gurob in the Manchester Museum Collection: a test of
trade network theories for the New Kingdom Fayum”, Journal of Ancient Egyptian
Interconnections 6:2 (2014), 10-22.

“I materiali ceramici e vitrei di Bakchias”, in P. Buzi, E. Giorgi (eds.), Bakchias. Dall’Archeologia alla Storia, Bologna, 2014, 243-367.

“The Pottery,” in I. Shaw, “Report to the SCA on archaeological survey and excavation undertaken at Medinet el-Gurob, 27 March – 17 April 2012”, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 98 (2012)

"Undercurrents: new work on Egyptian commerce and communication
outside the Nile valley”, “School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology” – Université de Liverpool (Royaume-Uni), 12 septembre 2016.