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d’archéologie orientale du Caire



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Khaled Hassan

@d.r dot khaled_hassan at yahoo dot com


Correspondant scientifique

Maître de conférences

Université du Caire, faculté d’archéologie

Ph.D. in Egyptology, Cairo University.
"Publishing hieratic ostraca from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo from Deir el-Bahri and Deir el-Medina"

2014 till now: Lecturer of Egyptology at Faculty of Archaeology- Egyptology Department,
Cairo University.

2011-2014: Assistant lecturer at Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University,
Egyptology Department

2005-2011: Demonstrator at the Faculty of Archaeology- Egyptology department.

Ancient Egyptian Language.
Hieratic inscriptions (Papyrus- Ostraca- Grafitti- tablets)

Publish the hieratic Book of the Dead papyrus of the lady Hatnofer of18th dynasty.

Conducting the graffiti project with Dr. Chloe Ragazzoli, Sorbonne University.

2018: Kh. Hassan- St. Polis Extending the corpus of Amennakhte’s literary compositions, Palaeographical and textual connections between two ostraca (O. BM EA 21282 + O. Cairo HO
425), in A. Dorn, and St. Polis, Outside the Box, Selected papers from the conference "Deir el-Medina and Theban necropolis in contact, Liége 27-29 October 2104, CollectionÆgyptiaca Leodiensia 11, Liége, p. 245-264.

2018: Kh. Hassan and A. Mekawy Ouda, Ramesside Hieratic Stela of Penōne in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo, JARCE, (Tr., JARCE 54, 2018, p. 41-54.

2017: Kh. Hassan, The longest Visitor’s ostracon concerning the temple of Dei el-Bahri. "A
recombination of two pieces, Ostraca Cairo 430 and 432", BIFAO 117, 2017, p. 281-292.

2017: Kh. Hassan, An18th dynasty Writing-board from Saqqara in Cairo Museum (Prophecy of Nefer.ti), CG 25224- JE 32972, BIFAO 117, 2017, p. 261-280.

2017: Kh. Hassan, A new literary compositions to the scribe Amunnakhte, SAK 46, 2017, p. 101-111.

2016: Kh. Hassan, An 18th dynasty wooden board in the Egyptian Museum of Cairo JE 95750- CG 25366, ejars 6, issue 2, 2017, p. 125-132.

2016: Kh. Hassan, Supplies to the fowl yard of Karnak, (Hieratic ostracon from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo), GM 249, 2016, p. 59-66.

2016: Kh. Hassan, The Visitors’ Graffiti in Two Tombs of Beni Hassan (Ameny and Khnumhotep II), JARCE 52, 2016, p. 33-54.

2016: Kh. Hassan, "Two Administrative Hieratic ostraca from Deir el-Bahri, (Late 20th and Early 21st Dynasties)", SAK 45, 2016, p. 125-136.

2015: Khaled Hassan, "Three New Kingdom Ostraca", JEOL 45, p. 33-43.

2015: Kh. Hassan, "Some 18th Dynasty Hieratic Ostraca from Deir el-Bahri", BIFAO 115, p. 179- 229.

2014: Kh. Hassan, "Solar hymn ostracon from Deir el-Bahri", BIFAO 114, p. 245-260.

2013: Kh. Hassan, A visitor’s hieratic ostracon concerning the temple of Deir el-Bahri, BIFAO 113, p. 183-192.

2018: Lecture at Alexandria University about the "The reading of the Historical texts", 8 November 2018.

2017: Lecture at Calligraphy center in the library of Alexandria about "Editing and publishing the hieratic texts". 27 April 2017.

2016: talk in the international conference of the hieratic script “Ägyptologische Binsenweisheiten III” entitled with "New literary composition to the scribe Amunnakhte’ that held in 7th: 9th of April at Mainz.

2015 workshop at Cairo University entitled with "Course specification".
2014 workshop at Cairo University entitled with "Program specification".