Institut français
d’archéologie orientale du Caire



liste des chercheurs

Ahmad Al-Shoky

ahmad dot@. al-shoky at ifao dot egnet dot net

Études arabes et islamiques, arts de l’Islam

Collaborateur scientifique

Professeur adjoint

Université de Ayn Chams

Opération de terrain 24111
Opération de terrain 19136 Qal‘at Cheikh Hammâm
Opération de terrain 23121 Stèles funéraires islamiques
Programme 17242 La guerre dans le Proche-Orient médiéval (XIe-XVe s.): transmission des savoirs, pratiques sociales et approche sensible

"Murailles du Caire" (IFAO, dir. Stéphane Pradines), 2007-2016.
"Forts et ports de l’Égypte médiévale" (IFAO, dir. Stéphane Pradines), 2012-2016.
"Guerres, cultures et sociétés au Proche-Orient médiéval, 969-1517" (IFAO, dir. Abbès Zouache, Mathieu Eychenne and Stéphane Pradines), 2012-2016.

PhD (Ain-Shams)2009. Title: “Deccani School in Islamic Painting 895-1098 AH/ 1490-1687 AD”.

Home: Ain-Shams University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology, Abbasyia, Po 11566 Cairo, Egypt
Email: Mobile: +201222941380
My PhD in Islamic Archeology from ‘Ayn Shams University, currently he is associate Professor at ’Ayn Shams University. I published in Arabic and English,like Guide Book of The Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo, Cairo, 2016; Guide Book of The Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo for children, Alaa al-Din and the Magic shirt, Cairo, 2016. Edited with Abbas ZouacheKitābmanāhiǧ al-surūrfī-l-rašādwa-l-ǧihādwa-l-Ṣayd li ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Fākihī, Dār al-Ǧīl and CEFAS, Beirut, 2016.Al-Shoky entitled many positions, such as: General Director of the Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo 2014-17; Chairman of the National Library and Archive of Egypt 2017-2018.Active Member of Institut d’Egypte and Member of the Association of Arab archaeologists.
-Award of Scientific Excellence of the Arab Archaeologist in 2017.

- Assistant professor Faculty of Arts, ‘Ayn Shams University, 4/2015 until now.
- Chairman of the National Library and Egyptian Archive 1/4/2017 until 1/4/2018
- General Supervisor of The Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo 15/9/2014 until 5/3/2017.
- Instructor, Faculty of Arts, ‘Ayn Shams University, 1999-2005.
- Associate Lecturer, Faculty of Arts, ‘Ayn Shams University, 2005-2009.
- Lecturer, Faculty of Arts, ‘Ayn Shams University, since 2009.
- Associate Research at the Institute français d’archéologie Orientale (Ifao) since January 2014.
- Active Member of Institut d’Egypte since June 2018.
- Correspondant scientifique d’Ifao, since July 2018.
- Academic awards: Best thesis awards of the Faculty of Arts, ‘Ayn Shams University, academic year 2010-2011.

- Excavations of Burǧ al-Ẓafar (Fatimid and Ayyubid walls of Cairo ; mission “Les murailles du Caire”, dir. Stéphane Pradines), February-April 2007. Successfully completed an archaeological field school course of excavation (Level I).
- Excavations of Burǧ al-Ẓafar (Fatimid and Ayyubid walls of Cairo ; mission “Les murailles du Caire”, dir. Stéphane Pradines), February-April 2008. Successfully completed an archaeological field school course of excavation (Level II).
- Excavations of Darassa (Fatimid and Ayyubid walls of Cairo ; mission “Les murailles du Caire”, dir. Stéphane Pradines), February-April 2009. Successfully completed on archaeological field school of excavation (Level III).
- Excavations of Burǧ al-Ẓafar (Fatimid and Ayyubid walls of Cairo: mission “Les murailles du Caire”, dir. Stéphane Pradines), November-December 2010. Successfully completed on archaeological field school of excavation (Level IIII).
- Supervisor of archaeological field school of excavations held at the site of Bourg al-Zafar (mission “Les murailles du Caire”, dir. Stéphane Pradines), October-November 2011.
- Excavations of Bāb El-Naṣr (Mission “Les murailles du Caire”, dir. Stéphane Pradines), December 2012.
- Excavations of Bāb El-Naṣr (Mission “Les murailles du Caire”, dir. Stéphane Pradines), Novembre -December 2013.
- Training course held by Ifao on Fustat to study, document and drawing Islamic pottery in the period from 04/28/2041 until 05/15/2014.
- Workshop on programs photo scan and QGIS , by the team of Prof. Christoph Morang Marseille University, on Department of Geology, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University 05/17/2014.
- Excavations of Bāb El-Naṣr (Mission “Les murailles du Caire”, dir. Stéphane Pradines), November- December 2014.

*Other various activities related to the instructional process and community service
- Member of the Association of Arab archaeologists.
- Deputy Director of the Unit Performance Evaluation and Quality Assurance at the Faculty of Arts, ‘Ayn Shams University, since 8/9/2011.
- Deputy Executive Director of the Project Continued Development and Qualification for Adoption of the Faculty of Arts, ‘Ayn Shams University, from 8/9/2011 to 7/11/2012.
- Member of the Unity of Performance Evaluation and Quality Assurance at the Faculty of Arts, ‘Ayn Shams University, since 2009.
- Member of the Council of Directors Continued Development Project and Qualification for Adoption of the Faculty of Arts, ‘Ayn Shams University, from 1/8/2011 to 7/11/2012.
- Member of the Supreme Committee for the Review of Strategic Plan for Scientific Research at ‘Ayn Shams University, 2012-2017.

Islamic Art and Architecture

"La guerre dans le Proche-Orient médiéval (XIe-XVe siècle) Ifao, with Abbès ZOUACHE (CNRS, CIHAM-UMR 5648) ; Mathieu EYCHENNE (UMR 8167 "Orient et Méditerranée" et Ann Marie Schimmel Kolleg, Bonn) 2016-2021.
Borders and Margins in Norther Egypt, From Pharaonic to Medieval Times, Ifao, CNRS. With Sylvain Dhennin, 2016-2021.

* Books:
- Ahmad al-Shoky and Hossam Eweys Tantawi, Egypt’s Islamic coins since its inception to the end of the Mamluk era, Cairo, Press of ‘Ayn Shams University, 2011.
- Archaeological Excavations Science, Cairo, Press of ‘Ayn Shams University, 2013.
- Ahmad al-Shoky and Abbas Zouache (ed.), Kitāb manāhiǧ al-surūr fī-l-rašād wa-l-ǧihād wa-l-Ṣayd li ‘Abd al-Qādir al-Fākihī, Dār al-Ǧīl and CEFAS, 2016.
- دليل متحف الفن الإسلامي, مطابع وزارة الآثار المصرية ,القاهرة, 2016.
- علاء الدين والقميص السحري" دليل متحف الفن الإسلامي للأطفال, مطابع وزارة الآثار المصرية ,القاهرة, 2016"
- Guide Book of The Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo, Cairo, 2016.
- تقديم كتاب "سياحة أثرية بين الأقصر وأصوان", عبد المسيح الأنطاكي, الهيئة العامة لدار الكتب والوثائق القومية القاهرة, 2017.
- تقديم كتاب "انتشار الخط العربي في العالم الشرقي والعالم الغربي", عبد الفتاح عبادة, الهيئة العامة لدار الكتب والوثائق القومية القاهرة, 2017.
- تقديم كتاب "رحلة إلى آثار الأقصر وإدفو وكوم أمبو ودندرة", محمود درويش, الهيئة العامة لدار الكتب والوثائق القومية القاهرة, 2017.
- تقديم كتاب "الزخرفة المنسوجة" عبد العزيز مرزوق, الهيئة العامة لدار الكتب والوثائق القومية القاهرة, 2018.
- كتاب مائة عام على ميلاد الزعيم جمال عبد الناصر من الوثائق والدوريات, دار الكتب والوثائق القومية, 2018.
- تصدير كتاب "تحفة الاذكيا باخبار مملكة الروسيا", د على متولي, الهيئة العامة لدار الكتب والوثائق القومية القاهرة, 2018.
- تصدير كتاب "قوانين ولوائح الآثار المصرية منذ عهد محمد علي وحتى ثورة 1952", درزق نوري, الهيئة العامة لدار الكتب والوثائق القومية القاهرة, 2018.
- تقديم كتاب "الأقصر في عيون الصحافة المصرية" , الهيئة العامة لدار الكتب والوثائق القومية القاهرة, 2018.

* Chapter of books and articles:
- Ahmad al-Shoky, "Bijapur kingdom from the beginning until the fall”, in Studies in Islamic History and Archaeology, Cairo, 2010.
- Ahmad al-Shoky and Ahmed Abd el-Razek, “Shedding new light on al-Amīr ‘Abd al-Ṣamad Ibn ‘Alī’s goblet”, Annales Islamologiques 45, 2011.
- Ahmad al-Shoky, “Eastern Fortifications of Rosetta`s Mouth Since Mamluk period till the end of Muḥammad ʿAlī period”, in Mathieu Eychenne, Stéphane Pradines et Abbès Zouache (dir.), Guerre et paix dans le Proche-Orient médiéval. Histoire, Archéologie, Anthropologie, Le Caire, IFAO, under printing.
- Ahmad al-Shoky, “Clothes and Costume of Indian women through the manuscripts of Mughal and Deccan periods”, in Papers presented at the International conference of "Women in the eastern civilization and arts, October 4th to 5th2011, Cairo, Oriental Study Center.
- Ahmad al-Shoky, “Archaeological remaining in the ‘‘Kingdom Ahmed Niger" in the early 12th century A.H. in light of the text of the judge ‘Abd al-Nabī ibn ‘Abd al-Rasūl al-Qiǧrātī”, in Papers of the Fourteenth Conference of Arab Archaeologists held in Cairo in 15-16/10/2011, Cairo, 2012.
- Ahmad al-Shoky, “Arab painting School in the light of the rules of Body language science”, in Papers of the Fifteenth Conference of Arab Archaeologists held in Rabat (Morocco), 12-17/10/2012.
- دار الكتب المصرية التحديات ورؤية جديدة, مجلة البيان, الكويت, 2018

o "Tall Abū Mandūr, an Archaeological strategic place in Islamic periods”: Workshop Margins and borders of the Delta, IFAO, 7/05/2013.
o "Fortifications of Burg Megezil Village Since Mamluk period till the end of Muḥammad ʿAlī period” Sixteenth Conference of Arab Archaeologists, Sharm El-Sheikh, 15-18/11/2013.
o Narasapur City and its impact on the architecture of the Bijapur kingdom in 11 AH / 17th century, the first International Conference on the Islamic archaeology , Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, 8-12 / 12/2013.
o "The Museum of Islamic Art in Cairo, memories and aspirations" in the Museum of Egyptian civilization during a meeting between a delegation of UNESCO ,ICOM, ICROM with Minister of Egyptian Antiquities.6/9/2014.
o Janjira fort its architectural elements and impact on the fortifications of western India, European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2014 Istanbul Meeting 10 – 14 September 2014.
o The defensive chains in Egypt : fortify the Mediterranean ports since the Crusades until the arrival of the French campaign, in seminar :LES CROISADES EN ÉGYPTE, Histoire. émoires,Ifao,22/10/2014.

- Organizer and chair Session with Stephane Pradines, Eric Vallet, in titled: Ports and Forts of the Muslims. Coastal Military Architecture, from the Arab Conquest to the Ottoman Period, in European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 2014 Istanbul Meeting 10 – 14 September 2014.
- seminar:LES CROISADES EN ÉGYPTE, Histoire. Mémoires, with Abbès Zouache,Ifao, 22/10/2014.