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Les conférences de l’Ifao

Le mercredi 7 février 2018 à 18h00 (heure du Caire), IFAO géolocalisation IFAO

An Official in War and Peace: The

Thomas Kruse

Conférence Ifao :

The archive of the strategus Apollonios which comprises some 230 Greek documents is the most important dossier of papyrus documents from Egypt for the first two centuries CE. It is named after the most prominent person appearing in it, a man named Apollonios who originated from Hermopolis in Middle Egypt and functioned between ca. 113-120 CE as head of the civil administration (strategus) of the nome (district) Apollonopolites Heptakomias in Upper Egypt. The dossier consists of official correspondence dating to the term of office of Apollonios and numerous private letters written by family members, friends, employees, and business partners. These documents are of paramount importance for the history of Roman Egypt, in particular the administrative history of Upper Egypt, since the nome Apollonopolites Heptakomias is solely known from the archive. The texts also shed some light on the uprising of the Jewish diaspora in Egypt (116-117 CE) and its impact on the local population. Finally the the private letters of the dossier provide illuminating information for the social, economic and cultural background of a family of the local hellenised municipal elite of Egypt and their level of education and literacy.
956Senior Scientist, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for the Study of Ancient Culture, Vienna. Thomas Kruse is an Ancient historian and papyrologist specialized on the administrative, social and economic history of Egypt in the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. Currently also leads a research project on the "Archive" of the strategus Apollonios.
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Les conférences de l’Ifao

Les conférences de l'Ifao ont pour objectif la transmission des résultats des recherches en cours ou très récentes, par des chercheurs confirmés. Y sont conviés essentiellement les chercheurs impliqués dans les différentes opérations scientifiques de l'Ifao lors de leur passage par l'Institut. ِElles sont également parfois le lieu de présentation d'ouvrages récemment parus à l'Ifao par  leurs autheurs. Les conférences de l'Ifao ont lieu traditionnellement le mercredi à 18h, en français ou en anglais.

IFAO Lectures series aim to transmit the results of current or very recent research by confirmed researchers. They are mainly animated by researchers involved in IFAO's various scientific programs and projects during their stay at the Institute. They are also sometimes the occasion for presentations, by their authors, of books recently published by the IFAO.

IFAO Lectures series are traditionally held on Wednesdays at 6 p.m., in French or English.