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d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Les conférences de l’Ifao

Le mercredi 9 novembre 2022 à 18h00 (heure du Caire), IFAO géolocalisation IFAO

Disciplines divided? Egyptology and History, in a ‘History of Egyptology’ centenary year

Stephen Quirke

Langue : anglais.

Pr. Stephen Quirke had to cancel his trip to Egypt as well as this lecture.

Sorry for the inconvenence



Centenaries of historic moments attract people through the chance to celebrate, and to find out more – the ‘real’ or untold story, or bigger picture. In what way could we find out whether Qurna families already knew the secret of the Tutankhamun tomb before November 1922? Who, and how many, of the Egyptian exiles in Paris taught Champollion to read and speak Coptic, preparing him to recognise on 14 September 1822 the Egyptian language in a sun-disk and an ibis on temple inscriptions in Nubia drawn by Nicolas Huyot? Centennial questions ask us to reconsider our methods of enquiry, and our capacity for exchange across the disciplines. Who then can take up the role of translator between such fixed fields as history, archaeology, Egyptology?


Dr Stephen Quirke studied Egyptology at the University of Cambridge where his PhD thesis led to the 1990 publication The Administration of Egypt in the late Middle Kingdom: the hieratic documents. From 1990 he worked with Mark Collier on an edition of papyri from al-Lahun now preserved at UCL, resulting in the three-volume UCL Lahun Papyri (2002-6). He was curator, first for hieratic manuscripts at the British Museum, and then for the collections in the UCL Petrie Museum of Egyptian and Sudanese Archaeology. He is currently Edwards Professor of Egyptian Archaeology at the UCL Institute of Archaeology. His current research projects include a monograph Collecting Type: Flinders Petrie - the archaeologist as purchaser. 

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Les conférences de l’Ifao

Les conférences de l'Ifao ont pour objectif la transmission des résultats des recherches en cours ou très récentes, par des chercheurs confirmés. Y sont conviés essentiellement les chercheurs impliqués dans les différentes opérations scientifiques de l'Ifao lors de leur passage par l'Institut. ِElles sont également parfois le lieu de présentation d'ouvrages récemment parus à l'Ifao par  leurs autheurs. Les conférences de l'Ifao ont lieu traditionnellement le mercredi à 18h, en français ou en anglais.

IFAO Lectures series aim to transmit the results of current or very recent research by confirmed researchers. They are mainly animated by researchers involved in IFAO's various scientific programs and projects during their stay at the Institute. They are also sometimes the occasion for presentations, by their authors, of books recently published by the IFAO.

IFAO Lectures series are traditionally held on Wednesdays at 6 p.m., in French or English.