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d’archéologie orientale du Caire


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Le séminaire de recherche de l'Ifao

Le mercredi 16 mars 2022 à 16h00 (heure du Caire), IFAO géolocalisation IFAO

Exploring the Amara West Cemeteries through Ceramics:
the Ramesside and post-New Kingdom Pottery

Valentina Gasperini

Langue : anglais.

The 7th session of the IFAO Research Seminar of this academic year 2021/2022, introduced and moderated by Sylvie Marchand, Head of the Ifao Ceramology Laboratory, features Valentina Gasperini, a scientific member of the IFAO.

The seminar is open to all interested parties, both in person, subject to availability, and remotely, through the Zoom application by following this link: [ ]


The site of Amara West is located in Upper Nubia, between the Second and Third Cataracts. Founded during the reign of Seti I, the settlement was occupied throughout the Ramesside period. While there is little evidence for activity in the urban area following the end of the New Kingdom, a recent investigation conducted by the British Museum has revealed that the site’s cemeteries remained in use. This talk will explore perspectives provided through the study of the ceramics excavated at Cemeteries C and D. For this, a presentation of the project’s methodological approach to the analysis of ceramic remains will be followed by a review of the study’s outcomes and wider implications for our understanding of the burial grounds. These relate to chronology and functions, cultural entanglements and trade exchanges during the Ramesside period as well as the cemeteries’ post-New Kingdom usage and beyond.


Valentina Gasperini obtained a PhD in Archaeology, with a dissertation thesis in Egyptology on the “History and Archaeology of the Fayum region during the New Kingdom”, from the University of Bologna (Italy), in 2010. Afterwards, she got a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the same University (2011-2012). She was then awarded a Marie Curie Intra European Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Project TRADES 326693), which she carried out at the University of Liverpool (United Kingdom) between 2014 and 2016. From 2017 to May 2020 she worked as Project Curator (Amara West Ceramics) at the Department “Egypt and Sudan”, British Museum (London). Starting from September 2020, she has been working as a "Foreign Scientific Member" at the IFAO (Institut français d’archéologie orientale), in Cairo. From 2018 she has also been teaching Egyptian Archaeology as Adjunct Professor at the University of Bologna.

Her research interests mainly deal with the study and analysis of the Egyptian New Kingdom pottery, as well as cultural and economic exchanges between Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age. Part of her research also focuses on Egyptian Western Desert land route trade connections. Starting from 2016, she has been focusing, in particular, on the analysis, study and publication (on-going) of the ceramic corpus from Amara West (Sudan), a project led by the British Museum.

Sylvie Marchand (lien IdRef : 117052582)
Sylvie Marchand is head of the ceramology laboratory at the IFAO, a ceramologist, and editor of the periodical Bulletin de liaison de la Céramique Égyptienne (BCE) and of the Cahiers de la Céramique Égyptienne collection (CCE).

Le séminaire de recherche de l'Ifao

Le séminaire de recherche de l'Ifao est un lieu d'échange et de dialogue scientifique sur les recherches en cours sur l'Egypte, l'ensemble du Proche-Orient ou parfois les espaces plus vastes dans lesquels s'inscrit l'histoire égyptienne. Y sont présentées et discutées par un ou plusieurs intervenants les recherches menées par les membres de la communauté scientifique de l'Ifao, ainsi que par des chercheurs invités.

Le séminaire vise tout à la fois à exposer et confronter des savoirs, et à s'interroger sur des questions d'ordre méthodologique (appréhension du terrain, écriture, interdisciplinarité, humanités numériques, comparatisme, etc.).

Modalités : présentiel, distanciel ou mode hybride, le mercredi après-midi, de 16 à 18h (horaire susceptible d'être modifié en fonction de l'actualité).

Lieu : salle de conférence de l'Ifao.