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d’archéologie orientale du Caire



liste des chercheurs

Cristina Alu

calu at ifao do@.t egnet dot net


Doctorante et postdoctorante

PCMA Polish Centre for Mediterranea Archaeology

2021 Doctorat en histoire (Université de Pise, Universität zu Köln)

2013 Bachelor en Études orientales, 2017 Master en Égyptologie et Archéologie du Proche-Orient (Université de Pise)

Histoire sociale et archéologie de l’Égypte ancienne ; ethnicité et identité sociale dans l’Antiquité ; sites miniers anciens ; technologie minière ancienne

Bourse postdoctorale Ifao-PCMA
Membre de la mission archéologique à Wadi el-Hudi (California State University San Bernardino)

Forthcoming. C. Alù, “Egyptianised Nubians, Interpreters And Rangers: The jʿȝ.ww And nw.w as Intermediaries in Mining Expeditions”. In Panaite, Elena (ed.), Proceedings of the conference “Meeting the Other: Transfer and cultural interactions around the Nile Valley”(27-28 March 2021, Cairo). Leuven: Peeters.

Forthcoming. C. Alù, H. Page, "Decoding Decoration on Middle Kingdom Egyptian Clay Figurines: Body Modification or Ornamentation?". In Miniaci, G., C. Alù, C. Saler and V. Forte (eds), Clay Figurines in Context: Crucibles of Egyptian, Nubian, and Levantine Societies in the Middle Bronze Age (2100–1550 BC) and Beyond. London: Golden House Publications.

Forthcoming. C. Alù, I. Bracaglia, L. Iannuzzi, E. Morelli, F. Reali (eds), Problemi di Verità: le narrazioni del fatto storico tra manipolazioni e racconti canonici, dall’antichità a oggi. Pisa: Pisa University Press.

2022. C. Alù, “Some remarks on the sx.tjw and their overseers: the multiple meanings of sx.t and the social identity of the marsh-dwellers”. In Miniaci, G. and W. Grajetzki (eds), The world of Middle Kingdom III: Contributions on archaeology, art, religion, and written sources, 1-7. London: Golden House Publications.

2016. R. Bussmann, G. Miniaci, E. Tiribilli and C. Alù, "Zawyet Sultan: l’antica Hebenu”, Il Progresso Imparziale - Le Progrès Égyptien, Cairo: Dar Al Tahrir Publishing.

“The chaîne opératoire between decorum and reality: reconnecting idealised production phases to ancient Egyptian society"", The Egyptological-Assyriological Conference in Copenhagen 2023 (2-4 May 2023, Copenhagen); 10th Birmingham Egyptology Symposium (25 May 2023, Birmingham)

“Desert guides and mediators: the auxiliary personnel of mining expeditions in the Eastern Desert and South Sinai”, Transports & mobilités dans l’Égypte antique: Modèles et stratégies de circulation dans la vallée du Nil et au-delà  entre le IVe millénaire av. J.-C. et le Ier siècle apr. J.-C., organised by S. Delvaux, S. Esposito and M. Prévost (Scientific committee: F. Servajean, C. Somaglino, P. Tallet), Montpellier (24-26 April 2023)

“Theorizing models of cultural interaction in mining frontier regions of ancient Egypt (revised)”, Current Research in Egyptology (9-16 May 2021, Rhodes)

“Expeditioners and nomads: the cultural milieu of ancient Egyptian frontier regions”, Meeting the Other: Transfer and cultural interactions around the Nile Valley, International conference organised by IFAO and PCMA (27-28 March 2020, Cairo)

“Prospectors, interpreters and nomads: the cultural milieu of ancient Egyptian mining frontier regions”, Current Research in Egyptology (17-21 June 2019, Alcalà de Henares)

“Theorizing models of cultural interaction in mining frontier regions of ancient Egypt”, Workshop- Rethinking Borders: Interaction in Ancient Egyptian Mining Periphery, Neue Forschungen in NRW (25 June 2019, Köln)

“In Search of the sXty.w Identity within the Ancient Egyptian Society”, Current Research in Egyptology (25-28 June 2018, Prague) "

Place-making in the desertscape: the socialisation of the Egyptian-Sudanese Eastern Desert landscape in the longue durée (4th millennium BCE- 4th century CE). Cairo, Ifao and PCMA, 27-30 April 2024