Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
3 référencesreferences
Fustat Glass of the Early Islamic Period: Finds excavated by The American Research Center in Egypt, 1964-1980
Altajir World of Islam Trust, London, 2001
[750, 1500]
alambic alembic assiette plate balsamaire unguentarium bol bowl compte-goutte dropper cruche ewer cuillère spoon filtre filter fiole vial flacon "molaire" molar flask flacon flask flacon à kohl kohl bottle gobelet beaker godet small mug lampe lamp mesure measure perle bead pot jar sceau seal vase vase ventouse cupping glass verre à boire drinking glass vitre window glass
doré gilded décoration appliquée applied decoration estampé impressed facette facet-cut filets marbrés marvered trails gravé engraved imprimé à la pince impressed with tongs incisé incised incisé à la pointe fine scratch-engraved, diamond-scratched lustré stained, lustre-painted peint painted picotement et étirement de la matière pinched decoration sculpté relief-cut soufflé dans un moule mould-blown taillé cut verre camée cameo glass émaillé enamelled
• Addresses the issue of the survival of certain Roman and Byzantine forms of glass objects and techniques in Islamic Egypt.
• Some Sasanian traditions in Islamic glass.
• Innovations in decoration techniques of Islamic period: painting in lustre, gilding and enamelling, tonging, engraving with a diamond point.
• Examples of glass objects from Fusṭāṭ (excavations: c. 750 A.D. to 1050 A.D. ; surface finds: 12th to 15th century):
- lamps: conical (25 c, 32 i), with a stem and terminal ball (25 a-b), with a foot and suspension rings (25 d);
- alembic or cupping glass (29 g);
- window glass (31);
- vessels with moulded ribbings (35a-p);
- vessel with applied stamps: a) mikyāl khawkh (”one measure of dried plums”, b) ʿala yaday Salāma (”prescribed by Salāma”) (37);
- diamond-scratched decoration (39a-b);
- molar flask (numerous examples in the category no. 42);
- relief cut vessels (43 a-j) - handled ewer with relief cut decoration derived from a Sasanian prototype, fragment on an inscription: barakah (”blessing”) (43f);
- cameo glass - fragment of beaker (43 d) - [cf. Withehouse, Annales de l ‘AIHV 15 (2003), end note no. 2].
- vessels with marvered trail decoration (44a-h);
- vessels with lustre-painted decoration (45a-h) - a drinking glass with an inscription (45a): Bismillah al-raḥmān [al-raḥīm mimmā ʾama]ra ʿAbd al-Ṣamad b. ʿAlī ʾaṣlaḥahu Allāh wa aʿazza naṣrahu (”In the name of God the clement the merciful ; that which was ordered by ʿAbd al-Ṣamad b. ʿAlī – may God grant him health and make glorious his victory”) - ʿAbd al-Ṣamad ibn ʿAlī ( 722-801);
- vessels with enamelled and gilded decoration (46a-t) - beaker with an inscription: ʿizz li-mawlānā (”glory to our lord” (46q);
- beads (47a-k);
- spoon (48a).
• Some Sasanian traditions in Islamic glass.
• Innovations in decoration techniques of Islamic period: painting in lustre, gilding and enamelling, tonging, engraving with a diamond point.
• Examples of glass objects from Fusṭāṭ (excavations: c. 750 A.D. to 1050 A.D. ; surface finds: 12th to 15th century):
- lamps: conical (25 c, 32 i), with a stem and terminal ball (25 a-b), with a foot and suspension rings (25 d);
- alembic or cupping glass (29 g);
- window glass (31);
- vessels with moulded ribbings (35a-p);
- vessel with applied stamps: a) mikyāl khawkh (”one measure of dried plums”, b) ʿala yaday Salāma (”prescribed by Salāma”) (37);
- diamond-scratched decoration (39a-b);
- molar flask (numerous examples in the category no. 42);
- relief cut vessels (43 a-j) - handled ewer with relief cut decoration derived from a Sasanian prototype, fragment on an inscription: barakah (”blessing”) (43f);
- cameo glass - fragment of beaker (43 d) - [cf. Withehouse, Annales de l ‘AIHV 15 (2003), end note no. 2].
- vessels with marvered trail decoration (44a-h);
- vessels with lustre-painted decoration (45a-h) - a drinking glass with an inscription (45a): Bismillah al-raḥmān [al-raḥīm mimmā ʾama]ra ʿAbd al-Ṣamad b. ʿAlī ʾaṣlaḥahu Allāh wa aʿazza naṣrahu (”In the name of God the clement the merciful ; that which was ordered by ʿAbd al-Ṣamad b. ʿAlī – may God grant him health and make glorious his victory”) - ʿAbd al-Ṣamad ibn ʿAlī ( 722-801);
- vessels with enamelled and gilded decoration (46a-t) - beaker with an inscription: ʿizz li-mawlānā (”glory to our lord” (46q);
- beads (47a-k);
- spoon (48a).
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013