Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
[2011] BURDAJEWICZ, Mariusz
Glass Finds in Archaeological Context. A Case Study of Hippos (Sussita) -
[2011] FOY, Danièle
L’atelier de verrier de Sabra Al-Mansūriyya : une production diversifiée du XIe siècle -
[2011] FOY, Danièle
Les porte-mèche des lampes en verre de l’Antiquité tardive -
[2011] WEDEPOHL, Karl Hans ; SIMON, Klaus ; KRONZ, Andreas
Data on 61 Chemical Elements for the Characterization of Three Major Glass Compositions in late Antiquity and the Middle Age -
[2011] WINTER, Tamar
The Glass Finds -
[2010] ANTONARAS, Anastassios C.
Glassware in late Antique Thessalonikē (Third to Seventh Centuries C.E.) -
[2010] ARLETTI, Rossella ; GIACOBBE, C. ; QUARTIERI, Simona ; SABATINO, Giuseppe ; TIGANO, Gabriella ; TRISCARI, Maurizio ; VEZZALINI, Giovanna
Archaeometrical Investigation of Sicilian Early Byzantine Glass: Chemical and Spectrodcopic Data -
[2010] BURDAJEWICZ, Mariusz
Glass Finds from Geronisos Island -
Le verre -
[2010] ROBERTSHAW, Peter ; BENCO, Nancy ; WOOD, Marilee ; DUSSUBIEUX, Laure ; MELCHIORRE, Erik ; ETTAHIRI, Ahmed
Chemical Analysis of Glass Beads from Medieval Al-Basra (Morocco) -
[2009] KATO, Norihiro ; NAKAI, Izumi ; SHINDO, Yoko
Chemical Composition of Early Islamic Glass Excavated in Rāya, Egypt -
[2009] LIERKE, Rosemarie
The Hedwig-Beaker Triangles: Signs of Origin -
[2009] MARII, Fatma ; REHREN, Thilo
Archeological Coloured Glass Cakes and Tesserae from the Petra Church -
[2009] SHINDO, Yoko
The Islamic Glass Excavated in Egypt: Fustāt, Rāya and al-Tūr al-Kīlānī -
[2008] KUCHARCZYK, Renata
Glass Finds from the Baths and Sāqiyah
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013