Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
[2010] ANTONARAS, Anastassios C.
Glassware in late Antique Thessalonikē (Third to Seventh Centuries C.E.) -
Le verre -
[2009] LIERKE, Rosemarie
The Hedwig-Beaker Triangles: Signs of Origin -
[2009] MARII, Fatma ; REHREN, Thilo
Archeological Coloured Glass Cakes and Tesserae from the Petra Church -
[2009] SHINDO, Yoko
The Islamic Glass Excavated in Egypt: Fustāt, Rāya and al-Tūr al-Kīlānī -
[2007] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael ; KATSNELSON, Natalya
Local Glass Production in the Late Roman - Early Byzantine Periods in Light of the Glass Finds from Khirbet el-Niʿana -
[2006] GUDENRATH, William
Enameled Glass Vessels, 1425 B.C.E.-1800: The Decorating Process -
[2006] JONES, Janet Duncan
The Glass -
[2005] BROSH, Naama
Islamic Glass Finds of the Thirteenth to Fifteenth Century from Jerusalem - Preliminary Report -
[2005] GORIN-ROSEN, Yael ; KATSNELSON, Natalya
Glass Finds from the Salvage Excavation at Ramla -
[2005] JACKSON-TAL, Ruth E.
The Glass Vessels from ʿEn Gedi -
[2005] SHINDO, Yoko
Islamic Lustre-Stained Glass from Raya between the Ninth and Tenth Centuries -
[2005] WARD, Rachel
Big Mamluk Buckets -
[2005] WHITEHOUSE, David
Glass from the Crusader Castle at Montfort -
[2005] WYPYSKI, Mark T ; PILOSI, Lisa
Preliminary Compositional Study of Glass from the Crusader Castle at Montfort
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013