Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
3 référencesreferences
CROWFOOT, Grace Mary
The Glass
CROWFOOT, John Winter ; CROWFOOT, Grace Mary ; KENYON, Kathleen Mary
Samaria Sebaste. III. The Objects from Samaria
Palestine Exploration Fund, London, 1957, p. 403-422
[-500, 600]
assiette plate bague ring baguette rod bol bowl bouteille bottle bracelet bracelet cruche ewer cuillère spoon fiole vial flacon flask gobelet beaker lampe lamp pot jar verre à boire drinking glass vitre window glass
décoration appliquée applied decoration filets marbrés marvered trails gravé engraved incisé incised moulé mould cast soufflé dans un moule mould-blown taillé cut
• Examples of glass objects from the excavations at Samaria:
– Town site (1st century B.C. – 6th century A.D.[?]):
- fragments of mould cast bowls with ribbing (fig. 93: 1) : 1st century B.C.;
- fragments of mould cast bowls with cut lines (fig. 93: 2) : 1st century B.C.;
- fragments of glass with marvered trails (fig. 93: 9 and 10) : 1st century B.C. or earlier (?);
- fragment of bowl with rim ground smooth, eight-pointed star and lines incised (fig. 93: 8): 4th century A.D.;
- over 60 fragments of lamps with hollow stem (fig. 96: 6) - 40 fragments came from the “glass factory” area;
- fragment of six-sided ewer or bottle, mould-blown, patterns: lattice, lozenges, disks, palm branches (fig. 96 : 8) : 4th-5th century A.D.;
- beaker with tubular foot ring (fig. 96: 10).
– Tomb E 220 (3rd century A.D.):
- candlestick flasks (fig. 94: 1-3);
- beaker with blue coil around body (fig. 94: 14).
– “N” cemetery (4th-5th century A.D.):
- candlestick flasks (fig. 95: 1-3);
- flask “bell mouth”, rim with coil, neck with constriction - Egyptian import (?) (fig. 95: 12);
- miniature jug amulet, decorated with open network (opus diatretum) in blue coil (fig. 95: 19);
- beaker with blue coil round body (fig. 95: 20).
– Ganymede House:
- fragment of a bowl decorated with incised grooves, eight-pointed stars and Greek letters: Ε..Η and Π (fig. 97: 1): 4th century;
- fragments of window glass (with bull’s eyes).
– Church of St. John the Baptist and the Byzantine monastery:
- lamps:
fragment of bowl-lamp with wick tube, handles, tubular base (fig. 99 : 2),
fragment of bowl-lamp with wick tube, handles, concave base (fig. 99 : 3),
fragments of lamp with hollow stem, bead at base (fig. 99 : 4),
fragment of lamp with hollow, large stem (fig. 99 : 5);
- fragments of window glass (with bull’s eye).
– Glass factory from the Forum area (4th-5th century).
– Town site (1st century B.C. – 6th century A.D.[?]):
- fragments of mould cast bowls with ribbing (fig. 93: 1) : 1st century B.C.;
- fragments of mould cast bowls with cut lines (fig. 93: 2) : 1st century B.C.;
- fragments of glass with marvered trails (fig. 93: 9 and 10) : 1st century B.C. or earlier (?);
- fragment of bowl with rim ground smooth, eight-pointed star and lines incised (fig. 93: 8): 4th century A.D.;
- over 60 fragments of lamps with hollow stem (fig. 96: 6) - 40 fragments came from the “glass factory” area;
- fragment of six-sided ewer or bottle, mould-blown, patterns: lattice, lozenges, disks, palm branches (fig. 96 : 8) : 4th-5th century A.D.;
- beaker with tubular foot ring (fig. 96: 10).
– Tomb E 220 (3rd century A.D.):
- candlestick flasks (fig. 94: 1-3);
- beaker with blue coil around body (fig. 94: 14).
– “N” cemetery (4th-5th century A.D.):
- candlestick flasks (fig. 95: 1-3);
- flask “bell mouth”, rim with coil, neck with constriction - Egyptian import (?) (fig. 95: 12);
- miniature jug amulet, decorated with open network (opus diatretum) in blue coil (fig. 95: 19);
- beaker with blue coil round body (fig. 95: 20).
– Ganymede House:
- fragment of a bowl decorated with incised grooves, eight-pointed stars and Greek letters: Ε..Η and Π (fig. 97: 1): 4th century;
- fragments of window glass (with bull’s eyes).
– Church of St. John the Baptist and the Byzantine monastery:
- lamps:
fragment of bowl-lamp with wick tube, handles, tubular base (fig. 99 : 2),
fragment of bowl-lamp with wick tube, handles, concave base (fig. 99 : 3),
fragments of lamp with hollow stem, bead at base (fig. 99 : 4),
fragment of lamp with hollow, large stem (fig. 99 : 5);
- fragments of window glass (with bull’s eye).
– Glass factory from the Forum area (4th-5th century).
settlement contexte urbain
urban context maison
house lieux de pratiques religieuses
places of religious practices église
church monastère
monastery structures funéraires
burial structures tombe
tomb production et commerce
production and commerce atelier
settlement contexte urbain
urban context maison
house lieux de pratiques religieuses
places of religious practices église
church monastère
monastery structures funéraires
burial structures tombe
tomb production et commerce
production and commerce atelier
Israël Israel | Samaria (Sebaste) | production consommation |
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013