Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
14 référencesreferences
Glass Finds from Fustat: 1964-71
JGS 15
The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, 1973, p. 12-30
[701, 1100]
assiette plate bol bowl cruche ewer cuillère spoon flacon flask flacon à kohl kohl bottle gobelet beaker lampe lamp mesure measure poids weight pot jar ventouse cupping glass
décoration appliquée applied decoration filets marbrés marvered trails gravé engraved lustré stained, lustre-painted picotement et étirement de la matière pinched decoration sculpté relief-cut soufflé dans un moule mould-blown taillé cut
• Glass manufacture: although no indisputable evidence of glass manufacture has been found at Fusṭāṭ, the sheer quantity of glass finds leaves no doubt to the existence of a local industry.
• Examples of glass objects found in Fusṭāṭ:
– shallow bowl with outsplayed pedestal foot (fig. 1 and 2);
– glass weight of the Caliph al-Mahdī (A.D. 775-785);
– rectangular bottle with vertical ribbings - mould-blown (fig. 9 and 10);
– bowls with vertical or spiral ribbings - mould-blown (fig. 13-15);
– lamps: conical; with stem (fig. 18 and 19); with handles and foot (fig. 20 and 21);
– engraved plate: stylized floral and geometric motifs (fig. 26 and 27);
– relief-cut ewer, with relief inscription: barakah (”blessing”) (fig. 30 and 31);
– relief-cut bowl: series of roundels each containing a bird motif (fig. 33-35);
– lustre-painted bowl with an inscription (fig. 40-42): Bismillāh ar-raḥmān [ar-rahīm mimmā ʾama]ra ʿAbd as-Samad b. ʿAlī ʿaṣlaḥahu Allāh wa aʿzza naṣrahu (”In the name of God the clement the merciful; that which was ordered by ʿAbd as-Samad b. ʿAlī – my God grant him health and make glorious his victory”).
• Examples of glass objects found in Fusṭāṭ:
– shallow bowl with outsplayed pedestal foot (fig. 1 and 2);
– glass weight of the Caliph al-Mahdī (A.D. 775-785);
– rectangular bottle with vertical ribbings - mould-blown (fig. 9 and 10);
– bowls with vertical or spiral ribbings - mould-blown (fig. 13-15);
– lamps: conical; with stem (fig. 18 and 19); with handles and foot (fig. 20 and 21);
– engraved plate: stylized floral and geometric motifs (fig. 26 and 27);
– relief-cut ewer, with relief inscription: barakah (”blessing”) (fig. 30 and 31);
– relief-cut bowl: series of roundels each containing a bird motif (fig. 33-35);
– lustre-painted bowl with an inscription (fig. 40-42): Bismillāh ar-raḥmān [ar-rahīm mimmā ʾama]ra ʿAbd as-Samad b. ʿAlī ʿaṣlaḥahu Allāh wa aʿzza naṣrahu (”In the name of God the clement the merciful; that which was ordered by ʿAbd as-Samad b. ʿAlī – my God grant him health and make glorious his victory”).
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013