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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caire

Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass

Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert

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The Islamic Lands and China
TAIT, Hugh
Five Thousand Years of Glass
British Museum Press, London, 1991, p. 112-143

[601, 1900]
• Periods and centers of Islamic glass production:
– 8th-11th centuries: Syria, Egypt, Persia, Mesopotamia;
– 12th-15th centuries: Syria, Egypt;
– 16th-19th centuries: Persia, Turkey, India, western imports.

• Characteristics of the particular glass techniques and shapes:
– Continuation of the Sasanian style of wheel-cutting ”honeycomb” decoration among the early Islamic glass vessels from Persia. Influence of the Sasanian metalwork on Persian glass vessels (for ex. ewers).
– Opaque turquoise glass vessels (Egypt-Syria; 10th-13th century).
– So-called Hedwig glasses and the question of their origin (Byzantine, Islamic Near East or southern Italy (?); 12th-13th century).
– Invention of the lustre painting by glassmakers in Egypt - at least in the second half of the 8th century.
– Knowledge of the enamels and the gold painting in the 10th-11th centuries Byzantium. Independent (?) development of the enamelled and gilded techniques in the Islamic world (since the end of the 12th century).
– Common fund of themes and decorative designs used by glassmakers, metalworkers, stone- and wood-carvers and potters in Egypt and Syria during the Ayyubid and the Mamluk Periods.
– “Chinoiserie” motifs on gold-painted and enamelled glass vessels of Syria and Egypt (c. 1285 until c. 1400).
– Luxury glass of Murano exported to the imperial Ottoman court in Istanbul (since the end of the 15th century). Bohemian glass entered the Turkish market (since the end of the 17th century). The import of Spanish glass to the Ottoman Empire in the 15th, 16th and 18th centuries. Export of English glass vessels to India (late 18th-19th century).
– Glass factory at Beykoz - Turkey (established in the late 18th century) - vessels inspired by the glass of Venice and Bohemia. Shiraz factory - Persia (17th-19th century) - possibly the contribution of Venetian glass.

– Iconography: representation of the glazier’s guild - minature from the “Surname-i Humayun” (c. 1582) Istanbul, Topkapı Sarayı Museum.
Afrique du Nord North Africa consommation
Afghanistan Afghanistan Khurasan production consommation
Al-Andalous Al-Andalus consommation
Angleterre England production
Bohême Bohemia production
Byzance Byzantium production
Egypte Egypt Fusṭāṭ production consommation
Espagne Spain production
Inde India consommation
Irak Iraq production consommation
Samarra consommation
Iran Iran production consommation
Nishapur consommation
Shiraz production
Golfe persique Persian Golf Siraf consommation
Khurasan consommation
Israël Israel Jérusalem Jerusalem consommation
Italie Italy Venise Venice production
Syrie Syria Alep Aleppo production
Damas Damascus production
Raqqa production
Turquie Turkey Antioche Antioch consommation
Beykoz production
Konya consommation
Serçe Limanı consommation
Yémen Yemen consommation

Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013