Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
[2006] JAMES, Liz
Byzantine Glass Mosaic Tesserae: Some Material Considerations -
[2005] FOY, Danièle
De l’autre côté de la Méditerranée : Le verre à vitre à la fin de l’Antiquité et au début de l’époque islamique -
[2001] CARBONI, Stefano (notices) DELIVORRIAS, Angelos ; MAKARIOU, Sophie ; MORAITOU, Mina ; MUAZZIN, Mona ; NASSAR, Nahla ; PORTER, Venetia
L’art du verre sous les Ayyoubides et les premiers décors émaillés et dorés -
[2001] OLCAY, Yelda B.
Lighting Methods in the Byzantine Period and Findings of Glass Lamps in Antatolia -
[1999] CARBONI, Stefano
Glass Production in the Fatimid Lands and Beyond -
[1999] KRÖGER, Jens
Fusṭāṭ and Nishapur. Questions about Fatimid Cut Glass -
[1998] IRWIN, Robert
A Note on Textual Sources for the History of Glass -
[1997] LLEDÒ, Berta
Mold Siblings in the 11th-Century Cullet from Serçe Limani -
[1996] VON SALDERN, Axel
Early Islamic Glass in the Near East. Problems of Chronology and Provenances -
[1994] REDFORD, Scott
Ayyubid Glass from Samsat, Turkey -
[1991] PINDER-WILSON, Ralph
The Islamic Lands and China -
[1984] BASS, George F.
The Nature of the Serçe Limani Glass -
[1983] SOUDAVAR DIBA, Layla
Glass and Glassmaking in the Eastern Islamic Lands: Seventeenth to Nineteenth Century -
[1958] ABDUL-HAK, Selim
Contribution à l’étude de la verrerie musulmane du VIIIe au XVIe siècle -
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The Import of Venetian Glass into the Near-East 15th-16th Century
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013