Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
3 référencesreferences
Glass Finds from the Salvage Excavation at Ramla
ʿAtiqot 49
Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem, 2005, p. 101-114
[701, 1100]
baguette rod bol bowl bouteille bottle cruche ewer fiole vial gobelet beaker lampe lamp pot jar verre à boire drinking glass
abrasion abrasion facette facet-cut imprimé à la pince impressed with tongs incisé à la pointe fine scratch-engraved, diamond-scratched sculpté relief-cut soufflé dans un moule mould-blown
• Examples of glass objects from Ramla:
– Area A, Phase II, Sub II (second half of 8th – early 11th century):
- fragment of small bowl, decoration impressed with tongs (fig. 1: 2);
- fragment of body, deep blue glass, scratch-engraved decoration (fig. 1: 8);
- fragment of base (small bottle ?) with mould-blown decoration (fig. 1: 9);
- part of base with relief-cut geometric decoration and scratches on the inside (fig. 1: 10);
- fragment of twisted rod with circular cross-section (fig. 1: 11).
– Area A, Phase II, Locus 118 (second half of 8th–11th century):
- fragment of lamp with hollowed stem-base (fig. 2: 19);
- fragment of small hemispherical bowl, decoration impressed with tongs (fig. 2: 20);
- small body fragments with mould-blown geometric patterns (fig. 2: 21, 22);
- fragment of beaker (?), abraded decoration - vegetal motif (fig. 2: 23).
– Area A, Surface, Phase I and Locus 102 (beginning of 8th–11th century):
- fragments of mould-blown vessels: geometric patterns (fig. 3: 34, 35), “fluted decoration” (fig. 3: 36), honeycomb pattern (fig. 3: 37) ;
- fragment of body with facet-cut decoration (fig. 3: 38).
– Area B (8th – late 9th-11th century):
- handle probably of cup-shaped oil lamp (fig. 4: 40);
- fragment of small cosmetic bottle with square-sectioned body (fig. 4: 41);
- small flat base fragment decorated with relief-cut pattern (fig. 4: 43).
– Area A, Phase II, Sub II (second half of 8th – early 11th century):
- fragment of small bowl, decoration impressed with tongs (fig. 1: 2);
- fragment of body, deep blue glass, scratch-engraved decoration (fig. 1: 8);
- fragment of base (small bottle ?) with mould-blown decoration (fig. 1: 9);
- part of base with relief-cut geometric decoration and scratches on the inside (fig. 1: 10);
- fragment of twisted rod with circular cross-section (fig. 1: 11).
– Area A, Phase II, Locus 118 (second half of 8th–11th century):
- fragment of lamp with hollowed stem-base (fig. 2: 19);
- fragment of small hemispherical bowl, decoration impressed with tongs (fig. 2: 20);
- small body fragments with mould-blown geometric patterns (fig. 2: 21, 22);
- fragment of beaker (?), abraded decoration - vegetal motif (fig. 2: 23).
– Area A, Surface, Phase I and Locus 102 (beginning of 8th–11th century):
- fragments of mould-blown vessels: geometric patterns (fig. 3: 34, 35), “fluted decoration” (fig. 3: 36), honeycomb pattern (fig. 3: 37) ;
- fragment of body with facet-cut decoration (fig. 3: 38).
– Area B (8th – late 9th-11th century):
- handle probably of cup-shaped oil lamp (fig. 4: 40);
- fragment of small cosmetic bottle with square-sectioned body (fig. 4: 41);
- small flat base fragment decorated with relief-cut pattern (fig. 4: 43).
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013