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d’archéologie orientale - Le Caire

Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass

Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert

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Local Glass Production in the Late Roman - Early Byzantine Periods in Light of the Glass Finds from Khirbet el-Niʿana
ʿAtiqot 57
Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem, 2007, p. 73-154

[-599, -300] [301, 425] [1250, 1500]
• Many of the vessels from the Late Roman - Early Byzantine assemblage found in Khirbet el-Niʿana could be attributed to a local glass workshop. Characteristics: large quantities of vessels of the same limited number of types sharing similar decoration, fabric and workmanship.

• Examples of glass objects from the tombs area - the 1996-1997 excavations:

– 6th–4th centuries B.C.:
- tooled seals (or amulets) with design (fig. 24: 3 and 4).

– Late Roman and Early Byzantine Periods:
- fragments of bowls with double fold below rim (fig. 3);
- small bottles and ewers with constricted neck (fig. 10);
- spouted bottle (fig. 14: 9);
- fragments of bottle with vertical pattern of pinched bifurcated ribs on body (fig. 15: 1);
- fragment of mould-blown bottle with grape design (fig. 15: 2);
- fragment of bowl or flask base with pinched-out high “toes” (fig. 15: 3);
- several types of cosmetic vessels with single or double tube (fig. 16-21);
- lamps:
bowl-shaped lamps with handles (fig. 22: 1-3),
bowl-shaped lamps with wick tube (fig. 22: 4-5),
lamps with hollow stem (fig. 22: 6-8);
- beads:
beads with marvered trails (fig. 23: 13-21),
cylindrical, hexagonal and faceted beads (fig. 23: 24-33);
- fragment of circular-sectioned twisted bracelet (fig. 24: 2).

– Mamluk Period:
- fragment of large purple bowl decorated with marvered trails of opaque greenish-blue glass (fig. 40: 1);
- fragment of purple flask with incurved or infolded rim, decorated with marvered white trail (fig. 40: 2);
- fragment of purple, translucent bracelet; triangular section (fig. 40: 3);
- fragment of deep blue or purple, translucent bracelet; white, red and yellow crumbs; semicircular section (fig. 40: 4);
- rectangular plaque of glass: mirror or inlay (fig. 40: 5).

– Remains of glass production (Late Roman and Early Byzantine Periods):
- deformed vessels (fig. 25: 1-4);
- glass drops (fig. 25: 5-8);
- lumps of raw glass (fig. 25: 9-20);
- debris from glass furnaces (fig. 25: 21-22).

• Examples of glass objects from industrial area (80%) and from other areas (20%) - the 1991 excavations:
– Late Roman and Early Byzantine Periods:
- fragments of shallow bowls with cut-off rim (figs. 26: 1; 29);
- fragments of beakers with solid base (fig. 32: 1-3);
- fragments of bottles with cylindrical neck and cylindrical or squat body (fig. 35);
- lamps:
handle of bowl-shaped lamp (fig. 37: 1);
wick tube of bowl-shaped lamp (fig. 37: 2);
fragments of hollow stem lamp (fig. 37: 4, 5).

– Remains of glass production (Late Roman and Early Byzantine Periods):
- glass drop (fig. 38).
Israël Israel Khirbet el-Niʿana production consommation

Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013