Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
4 référencesreferences
Glass from the Crusader Castle at Montfort
Annales du 16e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre (London 2003)
AIHV, Nottingham, 2005, p. 191-193
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York)
[1226, 1271]
doré gilded décoration appliquée applied decoration peint painted soufflé dans un moule mould-blown émaillé enamelled
• Glass from the Teutonic castle of Montfort:
– window glass, found in a chapel: some of them painted (French-style stained glass window);
– vessel glass: drinking vessels (gilded and enamelled; pruned beakers), bottles (long, narrow neck), lighting devices (gilded and enamelled hanging lamps with handles, one of which contains an Arabic inscription).
In the 13th century, the local glass industry consisted of at least one major supplier of raw glass (at Tyre) and a number of small workshops, where vessel glass of “European” and “Islamic” types, as well as window glass was made (Somelaria was one such workshop).
– window glass, found in a chapel: some of them painted (French-style stained glass window);
– vessel glass: drinking vessels (gilded and enamelled; pruned beakers), bottles (long, narrow neck), lighting devices (gilded and enamelled hanging lamps with handles, one of which contains an Arabic inscription).
In the 13th century, the local glass industry consisted of at least one major supplier of raw glass (at Tyre) and a number of small workshops, where vessel glass of “European” and “Islamic” types, as well as window glass was made (Somelaria was one such workshop).
structures militaires
military structure château
castle lieux de pratiques religieuses
places of religious practices chapelle
military structure château
castle lieux de pratiques religieuses
places of religious practices chapelle
Israël Israel | Qalʿat al-Qurayn (Montfort) | consommation | |
Sumeiriya (Somelaria) | production | ||
Liban Lebanon | Sidon Sydon | production | |
Tyr Tyre | production |
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013