Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
A Group of Glass Vessels from Nir Gallim
ʿAtiqot 43
Israel Antiquities Authority, Jerusalem, 2002, p. 119-126
[401, 600]
• Objects found withhin the fill of the baptismal font of the church. It is possible that all these glass vessels were collected from the church at Nir Gallim after its abandonment and buried in one place, where they were uncovered.
• Examples of glass from Nir Gallim:
– two drinking glass - possibly liturgical calyces (fig. 1: 1 and 2);
– lamps:
- fragments of bowl-shaped lamps (fig. 2: 1 and 2),
- fragments of bowl-shaped lamps with conical hollow stem (fig. 2: 3 and 4),
- fragments of bowl-shaped lamp with wick tube (fig. 2: 5);
– fragments of two bottles, probably belonging to the same type of vessel, with rounded rim and cylindrical neck (fig. 2: 6 and 7).
• Examples of glass from Nir Gallim:
– two drinking glass - possibly liturgical calyces (fig. 1: 1 and 2);
– lamps:
- fragments of bowl-shaped lamps (fig. 2: 1 and 2),
- fragments of bowl-shaped lamps with conical hollow stem (fig. 2: 3 and 4),
- fragments of bowl-shaped lamp with wick tube (fig. 2: 5);
– fragments of two bottles, probably belonging to the same type of vessel, with rounded rim and cylindrical neck (fig. 2: 6 and 7).
Israël Israel | Nir Gallim | consommation |
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013