Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
KATO, Norihiro ; NAKAI, Izumi ; SHINDO, Yoko
Chemical Composition of Early Islamic Glass Excavated in Rāya, Egypt
JANSSENS, Koen ; DEGRYSE, Patrick ; COSYNS, Peter ; CEAN, Joost ; VAN’T DACK, Luc
Annales du 17e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre (Anvers 2006)
AIHV - University Press Antwerp, Anvers, 2009, p. 274-280
[701, 1200]
• Chemical analyses of Islamic glass from Rāya - some characteristics:
– about 1000 samples of glass selected from more than 15 000 pieces excavated in Rāya analyzed since 2001 by means of a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (PXRF);
– analyses: Al2O3, K2O, CaO, TiO2, MnO, F2O3, SrO.
• Classification of compositional types and their production dates and regions:
– N1-type:
- natron glass with low magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) content, and high strontium (Sr) content;
- appears to have been produced in the Syro-Palestine region, probably at the Bet Eliʿezer primary glass workshop;
- from 8th century context;
- includes lustre-stained, pinched decoration, etc.
– N2-type:
- natron glass with low Mg-, K- and Sr-content;
- Egyptian primary glass workshop production;
- N2-a-type: 8th century;
- N2-b-type: 9th century;
- includes impressed, lustre-stained, scratched, mould-blown, black painted decoration, etc.
– PA-type:
- plant ash glass with high Mg-, K- and Sr-content;
- unknown production;
- from post 9th century context;
- includes cut, impressed, orange-lustre-stained, mould-blown decoration, etc.
• Question with regard to the change in the alkali source: from natron glass to plant-ash glass.
– about 1000 samples of glass selected from more than 15 000 pieces excavated in Rāya analyzed since 2001 by means of a portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (PXRF);
– analyses: Al2O3, K2O, CaO, TiO2, MnO, F2O3, SrO.
• Classification of compositional types and their production dates and regions:
– N1-type:
- natron glass with low magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) content, and high strontium (Sr) content;
- appears to have been produced in the Syro-Palestine region, probably at the Bet Eliʿezer primary glass workshop;
- from 8th century context;
- includes lustre-stained, pinched decoration, etc.
– N2-type:
- natron glass with low Mg-, K- and Sr-content;
- Egyptian primary glass workshop production;
- N2-a-type: 8th century;
- N2-b-type: 9th century;
- includes impressed, lustre-stained, scratched, mould-blown, black painted decoration, etc.
– PA-type:
- plant ash glass with high Mg-, K- and Sr-content;
- unknown production;
- from post 9th century context;
- includes cut, impressed, orange-lustre-stained, mould-blown decoration, etc.
• Question with regard to the change in the alkali source: from natron glass to plant-ash glass.
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013