Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
4 référencesreferences
The Import and Manufacture of Glass in the Territories of the Golden Horde
WARD, Rachel
Gilded and Enamelled Glass from the Middle East
British Museum Press, London, 1998, p. 96-100
[1226, 1502]
assiette plate bol bowl bouteille bottle cruche ewer flacon flask lampe lamp verre à boire drinking glass
• Examples of enamelled glass imported into the Golden Horde from the Near East:
– long-necked bottle found in Byelorechensk (mounds) - representation of five horsemen (second half of the 13th century);
– bowl found at Byelorechensk (mounds) - inscription: ʿizz li-mawlānā al-sulṭān al-malik al-ʿālim al-ʿādil al-ʿālim [?] al-ʿādil al-ʿālim al-ʿālim [continues al-ʿālim till end] (“glory to our lord the sultan, the vise, the just, the wise, the just, the wise ...”); six medallions with a lion blazon associated with the Mamluk Sultan Baybars (1260-1277);
– plate found at Selitrennoye (Sarayı) - representation of birds and fruit surrounded by leaves and flowers (first haft of the 14th century).
• Arrival of European glassware at the northern coast of the Black Sea via Constantinople.
• Finds of European glass in the Golden Horde (for example, fragment related to the “Aldrevandin” group of glass).
• Written evidence: letter of a merchant from Pera (Istanbul) ordering various glass-wares from Venice (1473); decree concerning an establishment of a glass workshop in Caffa (Black Sea) (1464).
• Local glassmaking:
– Example of local workshops:
- Selitrennoye (Sarayı);
- Solkhat.
– Importation of unworked glass from the Mamluk Empire to local workshops:
- chemical analyses of five lumps found at Tsarevskoye: Cu, Fe, Ag, Ca, Mg, Si, Na, Al, Ti;
- glass waste and Syrian blue glass with white enamel found in Solkhat workshop.
– long-necked bottle found in Byelorechensk (mounds) - representation of five horsemen (second half of the 13th century);
– bowl found at Byelorechensk (mounds) - inscription: ʿizz li-mawlānā al-sulṭān al-malik al-ʿālim al-ʿādil al-ʿālim [?] al-ʿādil al-ʿālim al-ʿālim [continues al-ʿālim till end] (“glory to our lord the sultan, the vise, the just, the wise, the just, the wise ...”); six medallions with a lion blazon associated with the Mamluk Sultan Baybars (1260-1277);
– plate found at Selitrennoye (Sarayı) - representation of birds and fruit surrounded by leaves and flowers (first haft of the 14th century).
• Arrival of European glassware at the northern coast of the Black Sea via Constantinople.
• Finds of European glass in the Golden Horde (for example, fragment related to the “Aldrevandin” group of glass).
• Written evidence: letter of a merchant from Pera (Istanbul) ordering various glass-wares from Venice (1473); decree concerning an establishment of a glass workshop in Caffa (Black Sea) (1464).
• Local glassmaking:
– Example of local workshops:
- Selitrennoye (Sarayı);
- Solkhat.
– Importation of unworked glass from the Mamluk Empire to local workshops:
- chemical analyses of five lumps found at Tsarevskoye: Cu, Fe, Ag, Ca, Mg, Si, Na, Al, Ti;
- glass waste and Syrian blue glass with white enamel found in Solkhat workshop.
analyses chimiques chemical analyses bloc de verre brut lump of raw glass déchets de verre glass waste
Egypte Egypt | production | ||
Italie Italy | Venise Venice | production | |
Russie Russia | Caucase Caucas | Belorechensk | consommation |
Caucase Caucas | Makhchesk | consommation | |
Caucase Caucas | Selitrennoye (Sarai) | production consommation | |
Caucase Caucas | Tsarevskoye (Sarai al-Jadid) | consommation | |
Mer Caspienne Caspian Sea | consommation | ||
Mer Noire Black Sea | consommation | ||
Volga Sud South Volga | consommation | ||
Syrie Syria | production | ||
Ukraine Ukraine | Crimée Crimea | Solkhat | production consommation |
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013