Verre byzantin et islamiqueByzantine and Islamic Glass
Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert
9 référencesreferences
Islamic Glass Finds from Raya, Southern Sinai
Annales du 15e Congrès de l'Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre (New York – Corning 2001)
AIHV, Nottingham, 2003, p. 180-184
[651, 1200]
assiette plate bol bowl bouteille bottle carreau tile coupe cup flacon "molaire" molar flask flacon flask lampe lamp ventouse cupping glass vitre window glass
gold sandwich glass" "gold sandwich glass" décoration appliquée applied decoration facette facet-cut filets marbrés marvered trails gravé engraved imprimé à la pince impressed with tongs incisé incised incisé à la pointe fine scratch-engraved, diamond-scratched lustré stained, lustre-painted mosaïqué mosaic sculpté relief-cut soufflé dans un moule mould-blown taillé cut verre camée cameo glass
• Stained glass from Rāya:
– painted in brown stain (brown to yellow): beakers, bowls, bottles ; botanical and arabesque decorative patterns (fish, gazelles, letters) - fig. 3.3 and 3.4;
– painted in orange stain: relativly rare, most of the finds are of deep blue glass; some are stained all over the surface with designs in black (fig. 2.10) others - with drawings made by black or white dots, or by lines ( fig. 3.5);
– painted black (fig. 3.6).
• Ten fragments of shallow plates with scratched or incised decoration: deep blue, brown (fig. 5), purple.
• Fragment of a tile decorated with gold leaf sandwiched between layers of thick brown and colourless glass (fig. 4.5 and 4.6).
– painted in brown stain (brown to yellow): beakers, bowls, bottles ; botanical and arabesque decorative patterns (fish, gazelles, letters) - fig. 3.3 and 3.4;
– painted in orange stain: relativly rare, most of the finds are of deep blue glass; some are stained all over the surface with designs in black (fig. 2.10) others - with drawings made by black or white dots, or by lines ( fig. 3.5);
– painted black (fig. 3.6).
• Ten fragments of shallow plates with scratched or incised decoration: deep blue, brown (fig. 5), purple.
• Fragment of a tile decorated with gold leaf sandwiched between layers of thick brown and colourless glass (fig. 4.5 and 4.6).
Version 5, données dudata date 30 janvier 2013January 30th 2013