Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
6 référencesreferences
Excavations at the site of Deir Al-Baramus 2002-2005
Société d’Archéologie Copte, Le Caire | Cairo, 2005, p. 55-68
[801, 1000]
Church at the site of Deir al-Baramus (formerly known as site of Deir Anba Mussa al-Aswad); the presently inhabited Deir al-Baramus is the later twin monastery dedicated to the Holy Virgin, the original monastery being located approx. 50 m to the northeast. Two phases presently recorded (stratigraphy and building phases summed up on p. 56): first church, 4th-5th century AD, possibly destroyed in 435; second church almost at once incorporating material from the ruins, 7th-8th century remodeling and two further phases, the latest in the 10th century based on analogy with the church in the monastery of John the Little so dated by P. Grossmann (note 8: reference to Anba Samuil’s presentation at a Cairo conference in 1996).
Wooden elements date from after the second reconstruction following AD 817 (p. 64-65):
- screen in front of the entrance to the haikal and pastophoria, running across the entire width of the khurus, decayed wood recorded in the holes of the vertical posts and a negative in the floor plaster of the step leading up to the pastophoria and haikal.
- screen in the middle of the nave, attested by negative impression in floor plaster and some burnt and decayed fragments.
Dating of screens to this refurbishment or later based on M,-H, Rutschovscaya’s findings that wooden screens started to appear in Coptic churches in the 9th century (cf. “Woodwork”, in: The Coptic Encyclopedia, vol. VII, New York 1991, p. 2334).
- pulpit or anbo left of the main entrance to the khurus, attested by a negative impression of the wooden support in the plaster floor and an access in the wall separating the nave from the khurus. Paralle: present day pulpit in neighboring monastery of the Virgin of Baramus of almost identical construction. Evidence too scant for dating the original pulpit.
Wooden elements date from after the second reconstruction following AD 817 (p. 64-65):
- screen in front of the entrance to the haikal and pastophoria, running across the entire width of the khurus, decayed wood recorded in the holes of the vertical posts and a negative in the floor plaster of the step leading up to the pastophoria and haikal.
- screen in the middle of the nave, attested by negative impression in floor plaster and some burnt and decayed fragments.
Dating of screens to this refurbishment or later based on M,-H, Rutschovscaya’s findings that wooden screens started to appear in Coptic churches in the 9th century (cf. “Woodwork”, in: The Coptic Encyclopedia, vol. VII, New York 1991, p. 2334).
- pulpit or anbo left of the main entrance to the khurus, attested by a negative impression of the wooden support in the plaster floor and an access in the wall separating the nave from the khurus. Paralle: present day pulpit in neighboring monastery of the Virgin of Baramus of almost identical construction. Evidence too scant for dating the original pulpit.
Egypte Egypt | Wadi Natrun | consommation |
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012