Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
[2008] ASENSI AMORÓS, Victoria ; DÉTIENNE, Pierre
Les bois utilisés pour les portraits peints en Égypte à l’époque romaine -
[2005] INNÉMÉE, Karel C.
Excavations at the site of Deir Al-Baramus 2002-2005 -
[2004] AUBERT, Marie-France ; CORTOPASSI, Roberta préface de Christiane ZIEGLER
Portraits funéraires de l’Égypte romaine. I. Masques en stuc -
[2004] BÉNAZETH, Dominique
Recherches archéologiques à Baouit : un nouveau départ -
[2003] GIRGIS, Girgis Daoud
The ancient door of St. Barbara Church in Misr Al-Qadeima -
[2003] IKRAM, Salima
Barbering the beardless; a possible explanation for the tufted hairstyle depicted in the ‘Fayum’ portrait of a young boy (J.P. Getty 78.AP.262) -
[2003] RIGGS, Christina
The Egyptian funerary tradition at Thebes in the Roman Period -
[2003] STRUDWICK, Nigel
Some aspects of the archaeology of the Theban necropolis in the Ptolemaic and Roman periods -
[2002] IKRAM, Salima ; ISKANDER, Nasry
Non-human Mummies -
[2001] GIRGIS, Girgis Daoud
A new interpretation of a wood lintel No. 753 at the Coptic Museum in Old Cairo (in Arabic) -
[2000] SKÁLOVÁ, Zuzana ; DAVIS, Stephen
A medieval icon with scenes from the Life of Christ and the Virgin in teh Church of Abu Seifein, Cairo: An interdisciplinary approach -
[1999] HAECKL, Anne E.
The wooden ‘Aphrodite’ panel -
[1999] WHITEHOUSE, Helene with a note by Colin HOPE
A painted panel of Isis -
[1998] AL BARAMOUSY, Paula Sawirus
Churches of Haret Zaweila within Fatimide Cairo -
[1998] SIDEBOTHAM, Steven E. ; WENDRICH, Wilhelmina Z.
Interpretative summary and conclusion
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012