Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
6 référencesreferences
A little noticed thirteenth-century Byzantine icon in the Church of St. Barbara in Old Cairo “The Virgin with Child Enthroned”
Société d’Archéologie Copte, Le Caire | Cairo, 1991, p. 93-103
[1201, 1300]
construction et architecture building construction domaine artistique artistic sphere domaine sacré sacral sphere
meubles et fermetures
furnitures and closures icon
icon plaque, plaquette, tableau
panel, tablet, frame
figuier sycomore
sycamore fig (lat. Ficus sycomorus L.)
palmier dattier date palm (lat. Phoenix dactylifera)
palmier dattier date palm (lat. Phoenix dactylifera)
bois avec d'autres materiaux wood with other materials découpage, taillé cutting incrustation inlaying peinture painting planche board
• Frame for the icon made in 13th or early 14th century (according to L.-A. Hunt, Iconic and Aniconic..., 1987: 45) or 13th/14th century according to Monneret de Villard (Patricolo and Monneret de Villard 1922: 56, Fig. 11 and 57) (p. 94).
• Technique suggests local production in Egypt (not even Sinai) because of three strong half-round traverses protruding 6 cm on either side, used to back the panel (”rather cheap, careless, provincial method”), careless working of wood filled with plaster and covered on both sides with protective palm-bark (?) to form a flat ground for painting, planks fixed to traverses with large-headed handmade iron nails from the front. More technical details (p. 96, see Pl. III).
• Iconographic: wooden (?) straight-backed throne decorated with leaf motifs in black.
• Technique suggests local production in Egypt (not even Sinai) because of three strong half-round traverses protruding 6 cm on either side, used to back the panel (”rather cheap, careless, provincial method”), careless working of wood filled with plaster and covered on both sides with protective palm-bark (?) to form a flat ground for painting, planks fixed to traverses with large-headed handmade iron nails from the front. More technical details (p. 96, see Pl. III).
• Iconographic: wooden (?) straight-backed throne decorated with leaf motifs in black.
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012