Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
11 référencesreferences
AUBERT, Marie-France ; CORTOPASSI, Roberta préface de Christiane ZIEGLER
Portraits funéraires de l’Égypte romaine. I. Masques en stuc
Musée du Louvre, Département des antiquités égyptiennes, catalogue, Paris | Paris, 2004
fouilles excavations sans contexte archéologique without archaeological context transféré transferred
[101, 300]
domaine artistique artistic sphere domaine funéraire funerary sphere domaine individuel individual sphere
boîte, cassette, caisse, coffret
box, casket, chest cercueil/planche/jarid
coffin, board, jarid masque de momie
mummy mask
acacia (lat. Acacia spp.)
figuier sycomore sycamore fig (lat. Ficus sycomorus L.)
tamaris désertique desert tamarisk (lat. Tamarix aphylla L.Karst.)
étude sur l’identification du bois wood identification studies
figuier sycomore sycamore fig (lat. Ficus sycomorus L.)
tamaris désertique desert tamarisk (lat. Tamarix aphylla L.Karst.)
étude sur l’identification du bois wood identification studies
bois avec d'autres materiaux wood with other materials dorure gilding découpage, taillé cutting menuiserie joinery peinture painting planche board
The Roman-period collection, some masks are attached to the boxes, which are of wood. This has been identified as:
– fig wood: B42, D6, D20, D21, D22, D23, D24-D27, G15,
– tamarisk: D8,
– acacia: D12,
B42 (pp. 115-116, ill.): stuc sur âme de bois, figuier (first half of 2nd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 121 note 185, 189; Paris 1998, no. 44; Colinart et al. 2001: notes 22, 50, p. 61, 64);
D6 (pp. 145-146, ill.): stuc sur âme de bois, figuier (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 100 note 76, 121, 189, pl. 131.1 et 2; Aubert et Cortopassi 1997, ill. p. 45; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 22, p. 61);
D7 (p. 147, ill.): with wood (unidentified) included in the structure (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 100 note 76, 189);
D8 (p. 148, ill.): stucco on wood core, tamarisk (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 100 note 76, 121, 189);
D12 (p. 152, ill.): stucco on wood core, acacia (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 100 note 76, 121, 189; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 47, 48, p. 64);
D13 (p. 153, ill.): fragments of wood, unidentified (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, Gombert excavations 1902-1903 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 80 note 184, 135, 189; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 8, p. 59);
D20 (p. 163, ill.): stucco on wood core, sycamore fig, at least three planks (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 100 note 76, 189; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 22, 28, 50, 51, 61, pp. 61, 62, 64, 65);
D21 (pp. 164-165, ill. and color plate): stucco on wood core, sycamore fig (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 121 note 185, 189; Aubert et Cortopassi 1997, ill. p. 45; Londres 1997, no. 165; Paris 1998, no. 43; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 22, 23, 29, 33, 50, 51, 61, pp. 61, 62, 64, 65);
D22 (pp. 166-167, ill.): stucco on wood core, sycamore fig (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 80, 100 note 76,120, 189, pl. 31.4, 131.3 et 4; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 22, 50, 51, 61, pp. 61, 64, 65);
D23 (p. 168, ill.): stucco on wood core and fragments, sycamore fig (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974,p. 71 note 136, 100 note 76, 189; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 22, 51, pp. 61, 64, fig. p. 61);
D24, D25, D26, D27 (pp. 169-172, ill.): box, sycamore fig (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 121 note 185, 189);
G15 (p. 202, ill.): plastron, fragment on wood, sycamore fig (Roman), unknown provenance, unpublished.
Further references.
– fig wood: B42, D6, D20, D21, D22, D23, D24-D27, G15,
– tamarisk: D8,
– acacia: D12,
B42 (pp. 115-116, ill.): stuc sur âme de bois, figuier (first half of 2nd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 121 note 185, 189; Paris 1998, no. 44; Colinart et al. 2001: notes 22, 50, p. 61, 64);
D6 (pp. 145-146, ill.): stuc sur âme de bois, figuier (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 100 note 76, 121, 189, pl. 131.1 et 2; Aubert et Cortopassi 1997, ill. p. 45; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 22, p. 61);
D7 (p. 147, ill.): with wood (unidentified) included in the structure (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 100 note 76, 189);
D8 (p. 148, ill.): stucco on wood core, tamarisk (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 100 note 76, 121, 189);
D12 (p. 152, ill.): stucco on wood core, acacia (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 100 note 76, 121, 189; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 47, 48, p. 64);
D13 (p. 153, ill.): fragments of wood, unidentified (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, Gombert excavations 1902-1903 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 80 note 184, 135, 189; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 8, p. 59);
D20 (p. 163, ill.): stucco on wood core, sycamore fig, at least three planks (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 100 note 76, 189; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 22, 28, 50, 51, 61, pp. 61, 62, 64, 65);
D21 (pp. 164-165, ill. and color plate): stucco on wood core, sycamore fig (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 121 note 185, 189; Aubert et Cortopassi 1997, ill. p. 45; Londres 1997, no. 165; Paris 1998, no. 43; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 22, 23, 29, 33, 50, 51, 61, pp. 61, 62, 64, 65);
D22 (pp. 166-167, ill.): stucco on wood core, sycamore fig (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 71 note 106, 80, 100 note 76,120, 189, pl. 31.4, 131.3 et 4; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 22, 50, 51, 61, pp. 61, 64, 65);
D23 (p. 168, ill.): stucco on wood core and fragments, sycamore fig (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974,p. 71 note 136, 100 note 76, 189; Colinart et al. 2001, notes 22, 51, pp. 61, 64, fig. p. 61);
D24, D25, D26, D27 (pp. 169-172, ill.): box, sycamore fig (3rd century AD), Tūna el-Gebel ?, IFAO 1905 (cf. Grimm 1974, p. 121 note 185, 189);
G15 (p. 202, ill.): plastron, fragment on wood, sycamore fig (Roman), unknown provenance, unpublished.
Further references.
Egypte Egypt | consommation production | ||
Tūna el-Gebel | consommation |
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012