Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
9 référencesreferences
RIGGS, Christina
The Egyptian funerary tradition at Thebes in the Roman Period
The Theban Necropolis. Past, Present and Future
The British Museum Press; The Trustees of the British Museum, Londres | London, 2003, p. 189-201
[1, 400]
coffin, board, jarid objets funéraires : divers
funerary article, miscellaneous étiquette de momie
mummy label portrait funéraire
portrait board
Wooden finds discussed in illustration of the main theme of the article, that is, the Egyptian funerary tradition in Thebes in the Roman period: wooden mummy labels, written in Demotic or Greek, mentioned as one of the components of modest grave goods in Roman period (p. 190); rare fragmentary mummy portrait from the Tomb of Harwa in Assasif (TT37) (p. 190); wooden coffin of child burial from Qurna, inscribed in hieroglyphs with the name of Takhaubastet, from German excavations in Qurna (p. 190); wooden coffin painted with guardian deities from French excavations in QV 33 (Valley of the Queens) (M. Leblanc) (p. 191); fragmentary portrait panels from the Valley of the Queens (M. Leblanc) (p. 191); several dozen Greek mummy labels from 3rd-4th centuries AD, informing about the occupations of two individuals: ‘Horion, son of Plenis, shepherd” and “Hierax, wine-seller, 68 years old’ from Medinet Habu (U. Hölscher) (p. 191); wooden anthropoid coffin and “several painted wooden panels’ from the ‘Rhind’ tomb in Sheikh Abd-el Gurna, also another vaulted wood coffin, makeshift rollers made of the wood of New Kingdom coffins to put in place a stone sarcophagus, wooden canopy inscribed for Montsuef (died 9 BC) (p. 191-193, the canopy illustrated in drawing in Fig. 1); coffins from the Soter tomb (only the decoration discussed, p.193-195, Pls. 100-104); vaulted corner-post coffins from the Pebos family group (p. 195).
Egypte Egypt | Thèbes ouest West Thebes | consommation | |
Thèbes ouest West Thebes | Cheikh abd el-Gurna Sheikh abd el-Gurna | consommation | |
Thèbes ouest West Thebes | Vallée des Reines Valley of the Queens | consommation | |
Thèbes ouest West Thebes | Assasif | consommation | |
Thèbes ouest West Thebes | Medinet Habu | consommation |
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012