Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
9 référencesreferences
SKÁLOVÁ, Zuzana ; DAVIS, Stephen
A medieval icon with scenes from the Life of Christ and the Virgin in teh Church of Abu Seifein, Cairo: An interdisciplinary approach
Société d’Archéologie Copte, Le Caire | Cairo, 2000, p. 211-238
[1201, 1300]
(p. 212)
Icon on a sycamore wood panel, painted in the 13th century by a Byzantine-trained artist for a Coptic patron, now in the Church of St. Mercurios (Deir Abu Seifein) in Cairo (first reported by A.J. Butler, Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt [Oxford 1884] vol. I, pp, 104-105 and text figure).
(p. 213)
Panel large and heavy, constructed of ten irregularly fashioned planks, joined vertically, kept together in a narrow frame
Wood identified by Caroline Vermeeren (BIAX, Netherlands).
Icon on a sycamore wood panel, painted in the 13th century by a Byzantine-trained artist for a Coptic patron, now in the Church of St. Mercurios (Deir Abu Seifein) in Cairo (first reported by A.J. Butler, Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt [Oxford 1884] vol. I, pp, 104-105 and text figure).
(p. 213)
Panel large and heavy, constructed of ten irregularly fashioned planks, joined vertically, kept together in a narrow frame
Wood identified by Caroline Vermeeren (BIAX, Netherlands).
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012