Bois travaillé du Ier au XVe sc.1st to 15th century worked wood
Iwona Zych
6 référencesreferences
SIDEBOTHAM, Steven E. ; WENDRICH, Wilhelmina Z.
Interpretative summary and conclusion
SIDEBOTHAM, Steven E. ; WENDRICH, Wilhelmina Z.
Berenike 1996. Report of the 1996 Excavations at Berenike and the Survey of the Eastern Desert
CNWS, Leiden, 1998, p. 445-453
[401, 600]
élément de construction d'architecture, sans décor
architectural structural, undecorated bois d’oeuvre
acacia (lat. Acacia spp.)
palmier dattier date palm (lat. Phoenix dactylifera)
pin pine (lat. Pinus pinea)
tamaris désertique desert tamarisk (lat. Tamarix aphylla L.Karst.)
teck teak (lat. Tectona)
palmier dattier date palm (lat. Phoenix dactylifera)
pin pine (lat. Pinus pinea)
tamaris désertique desert tamarisk (lat. Tamarix aphylla L.Karst.)
teck teak (lat. Tectona)
Summary of evidence for wood/timber use in late Roman Berenike:
- both wood locally available and wood brought from the Nile Valley (tamarisk, acacia, date palm) and from a long distance (pine, teak),
- built into walls mostly with little evidence for use in roofing.
Summary of evidence for wood/timber use in late Roman Berenike:
- both wood locally available and wood brought from the Nile Valley (tamarisk, acacia, date palm) and from a long distance (pine, teak),
- built into walls mostly with little evidence for use in roofing.
Version 1, données dudata date 18 mars 2012March 18th 2012